There is a VERY good reason the cop turns off his lights. It wasn't a legal stop and he made zero effort to chase after he avoided being crushed.
Of course it is, because daddy is a cop, and you're a drone.
Yeah, good training there learning how to almost smash a person on a bike against a concrete barrier with a two ton vehicle. Cops are also expert marksman, don't lie on police reports, don't blatantly kill people that are "threatening them" and don't circle the wagons when one of theirs gets caught. Cops are the LEAST…
Douchebag comment. What we need are more people filming law enforcement, not fewer.
He's an idiot, AND a police officer. That's the problem.
Just because someone of your impeccable knowledge and credentials says someone is in the wrong doesn't really make it so.
I am sure an internal investigation will find the truth, and brave warrior will go along on his way to collect a comfy pension with no risk of being fired.
So when will the good ones call out the bad ones?
Ah, the ol' police Nuremberg defense. Sorry, but I think the last honest, well-meaning police officer retired years ago.
Sometimes citizens have to take risks for the greater good of getting a dangerous cop with extremely poor judgement in a car who also has a gun, off the streets. The cops aren't going to clean their own house, you know. Not without proof, and an internet following of that proof.
You don't try to stop someone by hitting them and hoping that works. That's not how law enforcement works.
The problem with ATGATT is that the cops can't see that you're white until they get that close.
It's funny because they're totally not.
And you're misinterpreting Godwin's Law. Re-read it and try again.
I can buy the same light set up for my Scion but that will make me just a car with pretty light much like said Monte Carlo.....never pull over for an unmarked car with pretty lights is all I am's Floriduh!
There are no police officers who try to do their job properly. If there were, they would police their own. But they don't, and I take that as absolute proof, they are all bent.
No, don't worry, they probably just stole the Monte from a "suspected drug dealer".
It's an FHP initiation.
Based on prior experience, it looks to me like the rider may not have known he was being persued. Depending on the quality of the helmet he was wearing, the sound output of the bikes exhaust, whether or not he was wearing ear plugs, etc. a motorcyclist simply cannot hear sirens until the emergency vehicle is…