
Sugar is commonly, if not usually, used in sushi (though it depends on the region of Japan). It’s not at all inauthentic to season the rice with a vinegar+sugar+salt solution.

It expired a few years ago.

And where it all meets in the middle is death. Yay.

I’m more of a person who likes to take advantage of the situation when I have to travel. With so many airports coming out with cool foods and such, I use this as the opportunity to try new foods and snacks.

That can be DLC.

Don’t lease a teenager for a car either.

The craziest part is, the people like this who claim that Mexicans threaten them in some way are also the people with the least to fear from Mexicansceither in terms of jobs or violence or anything else. From what I’ve seen, most have had little to no real contact with anyone from Mexico at all. I can promise you

Egoraptor dodged a fucking bullet

Ah. That was a while ago...

We’ll all get paid in Trumpdollars.

“Art”, “culture”, and “entertainment” are a complete waste of time, when we can all be working in coal mines for minimum wage 18 hours a day! Rich people are trying to get richer here. Stop trying to ruin America!

...So, are our taxes going to be going towards anything domestically after this? All der Cheetoh seems to care about is the damned military, funding his Wall Street buddies, using his position to fleece money from international leaders, his stupid “wall”, and banishing Mexicans.

This is why no one with actual experience in the real world is alarmed by any of this.

I would contend that the budgetary considerations for a manufacturer are considerably different from the budgetary considerations for a regulatory government agency, since they have completely different structures, mandates, incomes, and reasons for existing in the first place. The EPA doesn’t make widgets and they’re

1) There is a reason our tax code is progressive. People who make more money have a greater ability to pay, and they should. We can argue about how much more they should pay, but eliminating tax brackets is ridiculous and would hurt the middle class.

When a society largely revolves around wealth, and wealth is treated as an inherent trait of morality, credit allows people to temporarily elevate their social standing. With such widespread use in this way it’s inevitable for the credit itself to also be judged as a part of someone’s character.

Say... They grope all the eggs.

They should have shot him in the testicles for fairness shakes.

Is there even a point to replacing the Abrams? It has great survivability, a good gun, good fire control systems, and can burn almost any fuel source.

Don’t compare this to a zipper merge. This is NOT a zipper merge. At all.