Key is a good rice cooker. I love my Japan market Zojirushi induction heating pressure rice cooker. Perfect rice. EVERY. TIME. No ‘crispy bottom layer’
Key is a good rice cooker. I love my Japan market Zojirushi induction heating pressure rice cooker. Perfect rice. EVERY. TIME. No ‘crispy bottom layer’
I read minds.
Agreed. Japanese bread is really really boring. Their white fluffiness ideal (=rice) means almost all bread is white, fluffy and freed from most fibers and nutrients. You have to search with a furious passion to find bakeries that have anything containing even traces of rye. There’s also a LOT of sugar in some of the…
I do meal planning and grocery shopping based around the idea that I’ll cook 4 times/week, with leftovers for two meals.
If a package has twice as much as you need for one meal, that’s called dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow.
There’s a web app which is pretty much identical to the iOS version.
LA, too.
Does Trump not remember what New York was like in the 1970s? I think we’re dealing with the first leaded gasoline affected president here.
What I find particularly amazing about these is how ridiculously constant the RPMs of the rotor are. I had always imagined that that they spun faster or slower depending on whether you wanted to climb or descend, or do turns and stuff, but NO.
Anyone want to bet that this will serve as their prototype for Zelda Maker?
At least it’s not in portrait mode.
Looks like nice assets, but if they are compromised by unrealistic physics, LOD pop-in, aliasing, unrealistic shaders, etc then it will look terrible in motion and the realism of these optimal still shots will be lost. Right now these would just be considered “bullshots” by gamers and the media.
It can fly over 20% of the way to the moon? Holy shit!
Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.
It’s not more entertaining. It’s the same concept, even down to the same tags and thumb nail. I don’t really look into Tube drama because I’m not 15 but this would make me upset.
I will go with the option: “If I release the original it will become worthless, maybe if I keep it just for me, in some point someone will pay me good money for it.”
Excuse you. V remake first. Wait your turn.