
Fuck the block feature. OUT THIS ASSHOLE. Find out who he is. Put him on blast. Makes the rest of us look like assholes.

The Germans invented the word "schadenfreude." They have to have a term for getting pleasure from watching a dick make an ass of himself. And I am feeling it so hard right now. No pun intended.

If he is making all that money he should invest in a Real Doll, they do not talk back, and will eat all your meat.

"I trade futures contracts on my couch... I made 32K in June..."

What guys like the guy who told you we need to ignore guys like this fail to understand (possibly deliberately) is that not only does ignoring not work, but IRL women never know when attempts to dismiss and ignore will subsequently still get this kind of unhinged response AND bonus physical violence thrown in. We

I think the portrayal of the scientists is pretty crap. Every one of them is socially maladjusted and obsessed with trivial stuff like comics. During the time I spent in the science circle, I never met anybody like that. Seems pretty clear to me that the writers did not recognise any distinction between scientist and

The absolute best retort I ever heard went like this:

Ill never understand what the hell goes through their minds.

Holy shitballs, that's so much WORSE because he's a real human you've interacted with, not a stranger on the internet you'll never see again. I'm so sorry that happened to you, what an assclown. (Also, I always love how quickly they shift from saying "you're beautiful" to "you're fat." Which am I, I desperately need

Something similar to this happened to me the other day, except not on Tinder. My friend has been seeing this douchebag guy who hit on me openly at her birthday the entire time. He asked for my number, and usually I'd tell him to fuck off, but because I didn't want to cause a scene at her birthday thing, I just gave

Insulting her for her looks is really just an insult to himself because he found her attractive enough to get this conversation going in the first place. What a dum-dum.

I don't know, around the "You're an Account Manger" line I probably would have hung on just to see what was coming next. You can't even be mad at this shit, it's too fun watching him crash and burn.

I liked Flowers for Algernon for how it showed an experiment playing out: choosing the right test subjects, recording your data, the pressures of reporting results and publishing in academia, and the shortfalls in our collective knowledge due to lack of translations of other countries' work. And there's also all

I read that Arthur C. Clarke wrote the book at the same time as the script, and the book was published after the release of the movie. And yes, the ideas that I listed above were not necessarily original, but the movie was notable for successfully translating them to the big screen in ways that are totally believable

As a molecular/cellular biologist:

Astronauts who actually act like intelligent scientists? And aside from essentially ignoring the radiation problem of inter-solar travel, all of the technology is presented very believably at 15 minutes into the future, which is to be expected from a movie where the writers had NASA on speed-dial for consulting.

It's to keep it from crashing into a populated area.

RIP, Bill, Jebediah and Bob Kerman.

I've been there. It's impressive and there reigns a suprisingly festive atmosphere.

There is actually another one at the Ganda Singh boarder. There the crowds are actually facing each other because the border is horizontal. I've been to both and the buzz is crazy.