
Was this a doctoral program in supervilliany? Like for real, how did that person think that was possibly a good idea? Thank science for the safety committee!

Well there was that time some PhD. students at my alma mater (which shall remain un-named) attempted to hybridize HIV and Hepatitis A, because HIV doesn't do well in the lab and Hep does. Hep A is waterborne...

Bear in mind this is in the UK, where very few people then (and still now) had access to guns.

I'm not saying an accidental release is impossible; I'm saying it's "dramatically less" likely for a disease that isn't spread via air. Somebody working in an office on a completely different floor cannot be infected by an accidental release of HIV unless a lab worker runs into them with an infected syringe or

That's a tragedy on all sorts of levels...

Guilt. Imagine how you would feel in his case where you were responsible for someone else's slow horrible death. A situation completely preventable. While I don't agree with it, I can only imagine the torment he felt when he found out.

I hope that, when the time comes, HIV is handled a bit better than this.