
Needs more stars!

Im pretty sure I got greyed because I questioned whether having kids is okay during climate change. And the author of the article is a mom and the article was about her being a mom. But seriously there’s no articles on Jez seriously talking about this issue and it’s fucked. They Greys are a weird place.

I’m so sad this is going to go to the grays, because I see what you did there and I cherish your pun dearly.

That is because you don’t know how to be rich. I can help. If a salesperson is bothersome, you look at them as of you are weary. You say “not today dear,” and you put your hands on your head like she is giving you a headache just by existing. Then you touch ALL THE STUFF, take a shit in their bathroom, and leave.

You cannot be blamed for this.

I thought they were stupid until I saw the chains, and then I imagined the pleasant feeling of them swinging around my ankles as I kicked a Nazi in the face. I like these shoes very much.

Im so excited to see her in dirty work boots she may totally be trolling all of us. Go Kate!!!

Is having your dick cut off sexual violence? I vote Yes. That doesn’t really make any of this better.

Came here to say that dressing in a literal tent would be the perfect response to this theme. It would be campy as fuck, and miss the mark.

Lets not lump these two humans? One literally assaulted people. 


Mother and child are doing well is the weirdest phrase. We all know everyone's names! Congrats to the happy ginger that baby is gonna be a fine ass adult one day. 

So how many steps are there between your brain and to millions of people? They shouldn’t put you in that position, you need an editor to support you.

This actually makes the most sense, oddly.

Caitlyn Jenner still uses male pronouns to describe herself prior to her transition. She refers to herself as Kris’s ex-husband, not ex-wife. I know this because I just finished her autobiography, which was very interesting, and during which she refers to herself as Bruce for the majority of the book.

Wait, Chicago is a girl??? Omg.

Every time a guy tells me I give above-average blowjobs, yes I’m bragging, I tell them that I learned from Doctor Ruth and then I do an impression of her with her amazing accent telling me to DROOL. They never liked that part as much as the blow job, but my impression is spot-on I promise!

Just this last month, a woman sentenced to nine years in state prison and released very early lied about it and moved it to my house. It took a lawyer to get her out. Do your background checks people, these fuckers are out there.

I want kids so badly but I would feel SO GUILTY with the climate change and environmental destruction. Can we please talk about that more? How do parents ignore it? At what point are we allowed to actually ask whether Parenthood is a fundemental right? The time is now. We gotta talk. 

Yes!!! let the Frats pull themselves up by their bootstraps, read some Ayn Rand, and go pay for their own off-campus housing.