
We don’t deserve another Woodstock until artists are allowed to make more songs about the fact that we shouldn’t be at war anymore. That was the whole point. we are still at war, it is the perfect time for a Woodstock, and everyone is such a capitalistic cocksucker that it’s never going to happen. I’m a millennial,

Tldr? I just skimmed the whole thing and I still can't figure out if it's a book review or not.

Can we save the wordtea for when we actually have something gossipy to share? This is just an overly thoughtful analysis of Royal affairs through history, and is not tea. It would be cool to read if I had a lot of time, but I took this break from work because I thought you had some tea for me and it took me a lot of

Yeah I could not agree with this sentiment more. sorry Rich, but you don’t get to profit off of celebrity gossip and then complain that people aren’t calling you a journalist. Once you pay for paparazzi photos, you’ve sold your soul. We are also an audience of little demons who enjoys celebrity gossip, but we aren’t

It sounds to me like they’re not talking about bitchy celebrity gossip, which let’s be clear as nothing to do with journalism. Justin Bieber asking people to stop spending so much time making fun of him is not the same as Trump criticizing the New York times. I guess you think most of America might be too stupid to

Love this because it feels much safer than regular crowd surfing.

Yes! I needed to see that Natalie Cole song because first of all it’s amazing and second of all it always brings me back to the end of The parent trap. She would destroy it!

He is high in that picture and trolling the shit out of his dad right now.

I think that stealing a life changing opportunity from another person is actually quite damaging to society.

I like this because of daily rate is basically the equivalent of a day of your life, so they’re making you pay with time, which is the kind of dark sci-fi dystopian future that I want to live in. Or I guess that is the same as jail, but much less expensive for the state. 

Can we get more in depth profiles of the other parents? I live in Marin county and we have like two of them here and I want local gossip to go national. I am not privy into the lives of the very wealthy and very nearby, and I want this fyre festival to burn bright here too. 

She never said it was. She didn’t ask for advice, just support. I’m sure she knows worrying g isn’t the answer. Easier said than done. Unsolicited advice for the unsolicited advice: compassion doesn't look like what you just did. 

Leslie Knope understands his pain.

Yeah she should have said I would never break the law, and instead would only use my privilege the way that I already have.

Guys what if Kim goes to college and actually takes women’s studies classes and then stops selling it shakes? I would be really into that evolution.

I would still rather this it happened with Yara. I ship them.

Yeah I don’t know what’s going on here, but is it supposed to just be entertainment? If they are actually selling CBD products on the other side, this is totally weird.

How are we supposed to watch this? Are we just supposed to watch it embedded into our internet browsers, or is there some sort of an app that makes more sense than that? Is it available on YouTube? Netflix? I’m not going to watch this on a three-by-three screen and there’s no way to cast it that I can tell, but I’m

ThisThis whole Infinity Stones thing is so boring, bring me back the horcruxes. I just spent a whole weekend marathoning these Marvel movies because people on Reddit said they were really awesome and had a great ending and now I'm so angry and I want all my time back. Just it's incredible to me how many explosions can

Also drunk, also hilarious