Can someone please make tiny sharks to go with these?
Can someone please make tiny sharks to go with these?
Doublethink, anyone?
@pixelsnader: Nah, it's a function of area. The centimeters in the middle are less effective, so I would venture a gander at 80 total minutes if the middle was completely utilized. This is sans math, of course.
I wish to obtain some replacement cartridges for my 100% eco-friendly soap dispenser/grater. Where would one obtain such an item?
@rmason3822: Some of us found the monster waiting under the bed. What then?
@minneyar: Somebody star this guy.
Is that picture to scale?
Twelve does not a proper sample size make.
@BoxOfScraps: Doesn't it already? That's the liver's function, right?
Anything in there about gender? I'm very curious. Now we can finally know whether males or females are more suited to Grammar Nazihood.
@Onizuka-GTO: But I like the pew pew! I really see no reason to skip laser weapons; I kind of want a use for that suit of mirror armour. But I'm certainly a fan of gauss/rail weapons. Bring it on!
Would polarizing filters protect against this sort of thing? See, I finally found a use for those disposable 3D glasses I got from Tron.
This made taking French in high school all worth it. I'm still a minor, and this makes me feel old.
@Arken: I happen to own some Apple technology myself. And I rather like it. No offense intended, though it was definitely taken anyway.
@RW-1: Please give this guy a star.