
I have to throw the TSA a bone here: they lose both ways. If they didn't "nod to decency" and decided to search this woman's more private areas, they would also be harshly criticized for doing so. However, when they didn't, they were criticized for incorrect security procedure.

Hey, guys! See this button nestled up by my "Home" and "F12" keys? It's called "Print Screen". And it can save images just like these.

Nah, it's really just a failed stunt for Inception 2.

Vid or it didn't happen.

I don't get it. How did they make the discs different colors? I thought the disks were supposed to all be the same color!

Somehow, with my massive American SUV, I can park on a space that is roughly 5x3 meters.

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses... I mean the piece of sod mashed up against your face.

Of course, Twitter can't help most of us bird-brains...

Project Dorothy? Follow the yellow sun-paved road!

Does this mean that there is a new market for lead-lined, Faraday pocket protectors?

@howdini: Nah, you're thinking Autism and those pesky bonded mercury molecules. Even though the scientists say that they're "safely locked up in other chemicals", it's a conspiracy! They're out to give you cancer/Autism/both!

@manukp: Exactly like me. "These fricking menus aren't anything like Linux! How do I...? What the? I don't even...!"

I see a Nintendo DS on that official-looking box of electronics.

Hey, where's the can-opener attachment?

In ten years:

It's turbo time.


Don't you hate it when your jacket's headphones' zipper gets jammed when you really need to zip it up?

I would personally rather use the mouse ball in my left hand and the stylus in my right.