
Isn't all leather recycled?

My brain is 3/2 the size of yours now.

Also, that computer at the beginning was probably a mac. Which makes it okay if it was destroyed. XD (Begin flaming me now)

I actually would enjoy being in this sort of situation. Could someone please make a cruise liner that rocks back and forth ON PURPOSE?


Hm... What happens when the guy stops to avoid hitting the hologram, and gets rear-ended? Now who's responsible?

I like this guy. Too bad he's one of the "stupid people" that doesn't realize that taking people hostage can and will get him killed.

At 0:19, I see my companion cube. <3 Why did you leave me into the fire? *sad face*

All I want to see is the Blue Man Group drumming on it with paint coming out of the faucets.

All I see is one of Sauron's plategloves from LotR.

@Strakus: "And when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends..."

@elte156: Your privacy. I value my privacy, even though I have done nothing wrong. Remember: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide

Don't buy the bag for your phone, though. You can make one with aluminum foil wrapped around your phone or bag for the Faraday cage effect. Also, Al foil hats add that extra layer of protection.

Now I know why Neo always wears sunglasses!

Yeah, all I see is a D&D map with lava. From the comments, it looks like I'm not alone.

Heh, I love how the military is concerned with making sure that they know everything about everywhere, when they won't even tell us what actually is in Area 51.

Hurm... And why not just internalize the microphone (make a more sensitive one), or just build it into the frame? It can't be that hard, plus you eliminate one hole right there.

I agree with this guy. Do you "think" in the language you know? Can you switch thinking languages? Are you stuck with the one you learn first, at birth?

I'll laugh if someone hacked into the plane's flight computer to get it to say that. ^_^

Loss for everybody? I beg to differ. We can all buy cheap (and very legal, at that!) movies when they go out of business.