
I think she should learn how to make a good triple mocha latte and don a green apron.

She asked for “muscle” to handle a student journalist who had every right to be where he was. She berated a cop. And it was all caught on video. Mizzou was right to fire her. Gonzaga has her on a one-year contract only. My guess? Someone at Gonzaga owes some friend of Click a favor.

Ah. That explains it.

OT: Another college rape case where the 4 gang rapers get the minimum and the judge cries tears of sympathy saying they all got “life sentences”. No sympathy for the unconscious, gang raped victim.

I imagine she really did want to put the guy away and got furious at the victim because she prevented that from happening. Sometimes judges forget that real victims are not always the kinds of witnesses they’d like to have. Victimization produces a whole set of issues of which this judge may not be aware.

I’d imagine that there are a number of them. This kind of stuff gets known on the inside.

That’s why I was so relieved when those three Santa Monica women actually witnessed a guy drugging his date’s drink:

Now you have to admit that a Trump/Christie ticket appeals if only to watch two practically identical mid-Atlantic yahoos shout rudely at reporters.

I , too, thought she was gone. Thank you so much for this article. I’ve got me some classic movies to queue up.


The problem with a corporation is that you can only fine them; you can’t put them in jail, even though they are technically “persons” under the law. Real “persons” would be doing real time for this.

Sounds like both. And they denied the victims legal representation, an abrogation of Constitutional rights. But, then, corporations are above the Constitution...

Probably because it never made headlines. Now that it has, this needs to be spread everywhere. There are many people who would never step foot in Macy’s again if they knew that the store was violating the civil rights of customers.

Homeland Security seems to be about subduing us, not protecting us from terrorists. This story is such an outrage that right now....no words.

There’s a go.fund.me page for the funeral expenses:

The latest info is that Gardner had been feeling “paranoid” and “feeling that someone is trying to harm her and her family.”

Speaking of updates:

I’ll take one racket for work, please.

It’s called evil. We need to bring back that word for acts like this.

Unspeakable trauma has a tendency to do that.