
Apple is a software company. They just don’t want to say that out loud.

I wasn’t ever really interested in The Roddenberry Vault until now. I think io9 should get a commission.

I was resisting commenting on this piece since it’s been up a couple days already, but since it’s here and I’m in front of the keyboard.

I blame Trump for Trump being a pig. I don’t blame him for his supporters being pigs.

I think we’re going to see more and more people in the media moving away from the left / towards the right, because they - like us - are learning that bigotry isn’t nearly as uncommon as we all believed. More of this guy’s audience probably thought the joke was funny than any of us might have realized a month ago.

Well, we got the democracy we deserve - God help us. Now let’s see if we learn anything from it.

Neither Bannon nor Trump is the disease, but symptoms. The disease is Americans who think people like these in politics is “ok.” In 4 years, what’ll happen is 1 of these three things that always happens:

In advance of the ass-kicking, someone should do a list of things or people Trump will blame for his election loss. A few off the top of my head:

Me too.

It’s not enough that he’s going to get his ass kicked. He’s just the symptom - it’s the Republican party’s voters that are the disease (up until this election season, I was a life-long Republican, and now I’m very much ashamed of myself).

I saw that top picture and thought, “wow, Kanye and Michael Jackson - when was THAT taken?”

So, on this one issue, maybe I’m on Trump’s side a little (though it makes me sick to my stomach to admit that).

“I decided I don’t want to be accessible to thousands of people who think because I work on a TV show that I owe them myself all the time”

Which Harry Potter was it? Because this might have been a suicide.

I’m voting for the human I’m less disgusted with.

I don’t care what anyone says. This looks good to me. It looks way better than the last trailer (and way better than the last movie - not that that’s setting the bar super-high).

If only that toddler had the good sense to have armed herself!

Well, since we’re all being honest, it’s a good thing this is a free site, because after reading (scanning) this, I kinda want my money back.

This movie is due for a reboot. The music is perfect the way it is.

“I’m not here to turn this site into the Rob Bricken show.”