
I’m sure it’ll be way more exciting when it’s filled with actual Disney guests. You know, sweaty, overweight, angry people with their little monsters dripping ice cream and popcorn everywhere.

The regular release version of the movie has some stuff going for it, but story and character development aren’t among them. I’m not a Snyder fanboy, but I liked his cut of the Justice League very much, and would like to see his cut for this if it ever comes out.

I’m so sad about this. Was really looking forward to seeing how they were going to deal with Persepolis Rising and Tiamat’s Wrath.

Overall, another enjoyable episode. If I were to knock it – and these would be small knocks – the telegraphing about Detmer, Georgiou, and that lullaby is too heavy-handed. It’s like the show is saying there’s going to be a test in a few weeks, and these are the things we need to study.

I’ve seen several meh reviews for Lower Decks, and I worry it can’t last because it’s got so many inside references. But I think it’s terrific. The live-action shows should borrow some of the writing staff from LD to make their shows a little more fun.

Sadly, instead of teaching him the lesson he needs to learn, this will reinforce what he and so many others already feel. That white Christians – and primarily white Christian men – are victims of an unfair system.

I’m glad Delta did the right thing, but if I was Poe I’d have just said, “bitch, let me nap. If I wanted to listen to an asshole I’d have farted.”

It wasn’t great, but it was very, very shocking. I kept thinking, “wow, they went there,” but after about half the episodes, you kind of expect them to go there, and when they do, it isn’t that big a surprise any more. I enjoyed a lot of it, but again, after a while, it was just kinda repetitious.

Now playing

This is the dumbass who pointed a shotgun at a kid in his campaign commercial:

Sorry - best I could do while driving!

I’d really like to see NASCAR try to enforce this ban. I mean, I REALLY want to see it :)

The show isn’t very good. The real Space Force is much, much worse.

Zardoz speaks to you!

“Gov. Brian Kemp is a fucking idiot.”  I live in GA, and I approve this message.

There were so many specific details I didn’t like, and in general, I didn’t like how so many massive story threads resolved so quickly with such simple solutions.

I’m white, and I’m not OK with this kind of thing. But I have a wife, a child, a job, and lots of family/friends/connections in my community, and I’m just too frightened to stand up against this the way you – and I – would like.

While this is a fine read, I take issue with some things you’ve said, including the main point of the article.

I live in GA. I’m not surprised when the people proudly displaying this flag turn out to be stupid.

The problem isn’t Kemp, or the Republicans, or the orange P-O-S in the White House. The problem - despite Kemp’s suppression of minority votes - is that there are so many men and women who watch Fox News and read Facebook and think “it has to be true if it’s on a screen,” and “people like me agree with people like

Y’know, this is probably gonna be a pretty terrible movie, and it won’t matter much what Sonic looks like in it.