
“What’s particularly baffling, aside from the obvious, is the other customers who don’t really react to what’s happening.”

Disgusting. Didn’t even wash her hands.

“...to try and improve the communities where our employees and our customers live and work,”

Too bad she doesn’t live in Alabama. ‘Cuz if she did, this kind of behavior could be a big help if she ever decides to go into politics.

We have, and ought to have, the government we deserve. God have mercy on us.

I like, “I’m not a racist, but…I hate how Black Lives Matter protesters make it hard for people to get to work by causing traffic jams.”

“Megyn Kelly has once again done a dumb thing that makes her look bad.”

But - is the PC version ready to play yet? I know about the bugs, and the “unofficial patch,” but I don’t like paying a lot of money for a game that requires an “unofficial patch” right out of the gate.

I’m sure all of the victims took comfort knowing that they died in a country where it’s super easy for crazy, angry people to get guns.

“LOL. Sometimes you want to feel like this thing is complicated, but here comes Trump making it way too easy.”

I don’t think this photo or article has the impact you’re hoping for.

“It is still not clear to the family how Malachi got his hands on the dangerous weapon.”

There’s something y’all fail to realize. Sure, we’d expect a President of the US to be competent, and hire/appoint people who are likewise competent, and likely to do a good job at their appointed tasks. But – what if you’re a President WHO ABSOLUTELY HATES THE TRUTH? Do you hire a competent guy to disseminate facts

“Honestly, the XT5 is a fine car (it’s not really an SUV so much as a big hatchback or a short minivan), and an attractive option in its segment.”

I saw “period undies” and thought, “I bet it’s like, Roaring 20s-style lingerie!” I have no words to express this disappointment.

Ladies, do you SEE what happens when you reject us, over and over again? THIS is what we BECOME!

If that was my house, I’d encourage cars to run into it.

I didn’t fall for this, and I don’t want Spicer canned. It’s possible, though unlikely, that the WH would find someone to say the same nonsense without sounding quite as ridiculous. It’s very good that he sounds like a clown, and I hope he keeps his job as long as Trump is in office.

Kinda think that whoever wrote this headline should work on her sobriety.