
Don’t use the Nyko dock. I have one that I used for travel. My Switch is bricked. Nintendo was nice enough to repair it for free but that they couldn’t save any data.

I hope ROY voting hasn’t closed yet

Had a friend in high school who got arrested for the same joke. This was pre-9/11. They’ve never found this joke funny

Visited the national Holocaust museum last week and the first few rooms chronicling the rise of the national socialists in Germany were chilling. Trump is using the same playbook.

I recently learned that if you fart when someone hugs you, it will make them feel strong.

He’s wrong about it being a “gloryfor kids”. My kids are way less interested in the Disney movie-verse than I was interested in transformers and GI Joe growing up. In fact, I think a lot of Marvel’s success is playing off my nostalgia for my own childhood. Like I go buy the merch for my kids so they can live my

Yellow as a color is problematic because as one of the primary colors of pigment any additive makes it not yellow. We don’t think of green as a perfect mix of blue and yellow pigment, we think of it as containing too much blue to be yellow and too much yellow to be blue.

Nah, you misunderstand me. He deserves the MVP, his game is optimized for the current rule set. Don’t hate the player and all that.

If Harden’s style of basketball represents the soul of basketball, then you can keep the whole damn sport. Watching Harden play is frequently a slog as he tries to bait both his opponents and the officials into awarding him free throws. His skill set is perfectly suited to this endeavor, but there’s nothing

Teachers are usually paid according to a schedule based on years of service. So a 5% raise would raise every step on the schedule by 5%. So they won’t get a raise next year, but they’ll have another year of service which will move them up a step.

This is a great plan to kill higher education in America. Do you trust any administrator at any school to keep the athletic budget and the academic budget separate? They’ll rob the academic budget blind for more wins.

When you said it was named for a dumb racist, I assumed it was named something like “the tenth man”.

You don’t even have to tell them to dribble, that’s what they do best.

Kill the corner three and make dunks worth 3

The sheet set, fitted and top, are a relatively inexpensive means of protecting the expensive stuff, your mattress and duvet, from your disgusting body oils and sloughed off skin. You can tell me that you wash your duvet cover as regularly as you would a top sheet, but you’re a liar because putting the duvet cover

We really need a redemption law whereby if your debt gets sold you have the right to purchase it for the price it was sold for. It would kill the debt collection industry, so it’ll never happen, but there should be a law to that effect.

Nah, they fixed their rigged election system. The party will definitely run some crazy against him, but he’ll gather enough signatures to make it onto the primary ballot and crush whatever Tea-party troll runs against him. We saw this last year in the special election to fill Chaffetz seat.

You’re using the menu wrong. Only kids get meals. Adults get a couple things off the dollar menu and share a giant soda. Boom, less than $10 and a happy kid.

the infrastructure for this program is already in place with the WIC program. Just a little modification and your SNAP purchases are restricted to a government approved list of products.

How is it not a conflict of interest for the guy named Garafolo to be reporting on the guy named Garappolo? Are we even sure they’re different guys?