
I think it's about mandatory drug tests for international competitions.

This is what they have to do to entertain us when Magary's out. Desperate times...

Someone was giving out chili spiced mango flavored suckers for halloween. They were so bad.

Then explain bitcoin

No mention of his clear foul either. He was hanging all over her when she tried to jump up for the put back. This whole situation is obnoxious.

Best thing about the BF Bridge is that there's no toll going to NJ, but they toll you if you want to leave NJ. I got mixed up in traffic once and ended up in NJ. I barely found enough change in my car to get back to Philly. Otherwise I'd probably still be in NJ.

Now I really want to know what a "fucking truck" is. Is it Wilt Chamberlain's truck?

Should be mad at his agent for letting the Mavs craft such a shitty contract if he wanted to stay in Houston. But his agent did his job and got him the crazy bucks. Maybe he should just be a professional about it?

I think "respect" is wrong. It made me have sympathy for LeBron. He's never been given the opportunity to grow up or become a person. He is the sports version of the child star. He's pretty much Truman from the Truman Show.

Said James Jameson

Sounds like moving to a better neighborhood would be the best thing you could do for your kids.

I do this with people's kids names all the time. They introduce me to little Charlie and that kid is Chuck forever more.

I read the linked story and my main take away is that Drew has become a MUCH better writer since then.

Baby Park. Man I loved the Baby Park track. I guess it only really works with Double Dash's set up, being that you could plow through items on the double karts.

I think that's a Rooney doll. But I can see how it kind of resembles Shrek.

It's interesting that there is no mention of black free agents being reluctant to play in markets with predominantly white fanbases.

Back in 1989 I had the great pleasure of introducing a friend to Super Mario Bros at my house. He had heard enough about the game on the playground to know that warping was possible. I convinced him that the warps were hidden in the gaps. He must have tried jumping in every single gap he encountered that afternoon. I

Re: girls going by junior, I believe it has to do with the fact that traditionally women will get married and take their husband's name. Likewise, if they are named after their mother, it would be after their mother's married name, so not really named after her at all.

I had such high hopes for Elysium. What a letdown.