I'm reminded of this video about the Harry Potter books. To paraphrase, "The studio would have creative control over the first three films [LOTR] then what happens?"
I'm reminded of this video about the Harry Potter books. To paraphrase, "The studio would have creative control over the first three films [LOTR] then what happens?"
The same reason they have A-List Hollywood actors do the voices instead of trained voice artists. They have to sell tickets to get the thing made and people stopped going to hand drawn movies a long time ago. Lilo & Stitch is the last one I remember seeing in the theater.
And the fact that the text is pixelated is AWESOME!
I have an internal debate with myself everytime I send my son to school in a Raiders shirt. But then I remember that when I was a kid in the 80s the Patriots sucked balls and I'd rather him be a Raiders fan than anything else. It builds character.
One minor quibble, I think Nazi Bill Simmons would refer to them as Orientals instead of Asians.
So Pelicans are dicks? Cause that's what I got from this. Why not just call them the New Orleans Dicks then?
You can take the pickle off my cheeseburger, but there is nothing on earth that can remove the little yellow stain of pickle juice from the bun. I cannot tell you how many times as a child I ate a cheeseburger with two bun bottoms because someone forgot that plain means no effing pickles. Thank goodness fastfood…
I think you're really close to the cut off line between alley-oop and pass on this one. One second watch, screw diplomacy. There's no way this can be considered an alley-oop. Crawford didn't throw the ball anywhere near the rim. What are your criteria for an alley-oop? Just that a player have left the ground prior to…
I've tried that argument on my wife before. It doesn't go over well.
We don't even need a constitutional amendment, we just need one more presidential election like 2012s to have a Supreme Court which can overturn the idiocy that is D.C. v Heller. The question is whether the 2nd Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms or a collective right. That question hinges on why the…
A different professor at the U of U had a similar theory regarding the inheritability of homosexuality and why, if offspring don't result from a homosexual relationship, it hasn't been bred out. (This was way back in the 90's when the nature versus nuture debate was raging and aversion therapy was doing gangbusters.…
found this: http://www.walkingdeadforums.com/forum/f119/zombie-lori-5212.html
For what it's worth, my wife swears she saw zombie Lori in the preview for episode 8 at that followed episode 7.
They're suing over non-physical merchandise. The license only applies to physical goods. So disc of Lego LOTR is okay, download of Lego LOTR is not okay.
Isn't the point of Grantland to be above this kind of Shtick? A girl goes to Raiders nation! A girl goes to the heart of college hockey! A girl goes on the Miami Heat's private jet!
Are we sure this isn't the Singularity?
Your hashtag is redundant.
As an official (admittedly Joey is the worst one) it must get tiring watching the tantrums players throw after each and every foul call. I kind of view this as a STFU dance on Joey's part. aka, this is how stupid you look. I acknowledge I am giving Crawford WAY too much credit here.
The word out West is that San Diego State and Boise State are looking to cancel their Big East membership and return to the Mountain West Conference. Possibly with a BYU tie-in.