
I literally laughed so loudly I scared my cat who was peacefully drinking water all cute like.

But Andy Serkis isn't click-baity as Benedict Cumberbatch.


I think Malcolm serves as a good example of something this JJ uniquely gets right, and that is continuing to show the devastation that Kilgrave and I guess by extension trying to help Jessica wrought upon people's lives. As with Hope it's not a one and done situation, there are long term effects. In most shows it

I really loved the writing behind this episode. I like how various considerations are made about how to handle Kilgrave. Options are discussed and some are even tried out. Ultimately though, hell yes for the Jessica Jones way. That was a satisfying little moment. Of course it was effectively shadowed by the creepy

I imagine Kilgrave's instructions were more along the lines of do it when you are away from Jessica Jones

That hurt in such an unexpected way. I felt very sorry for that poor girl and to have that additional, monstrous trauma was hearttending.

This is a good show and I throw a million kudos at the creator for bowing out on a high and not milking it for all its worth. In other news you wouldn't believe how much slash fanfiction gets written about these characters.

Hee! This deserves more upvotes.

I actually laughed out loud when I read that. I couldn't believe how awesome it was.


Sorry but I love this poster. Like a lot.

I always love how Hook and Wendy's father were paid by the same man. Jason Issacs just killed it in both roles.

But *is* the role going to be stereotypical? I mean are they going to have Swinton say racially offensive things in an off accent? Are they going to have her pull at a long beard?

Should have case Benedict Cumberbatch

It was a guy friend who called him that, not girls.

"This is the most blatant example of fraudulent advertising since my lawsuit against the film, "The Neverending Story."

Well for me The Nothing wins hand-down compared to all the Lovecraft monsters. I find something scary more based on its effect on people, the innocent or otherwise. So like to be honest Cthulhu and all of those similar type stories never brought me much fear. They're so abstract in terms of the destruction they

God I still have nightmares about Some scenes from the movie. And yes I know this is talking about literary versions but they did it so well in the film.

Going Down the list when I saw The Nothing I thought, that's definitely my choice. But then I saw Pennywise at number 1 and thought. Nope that is definitely for all time the scariest creepiest baddie, not counting the lameo spider.