
This movie was awesome, as well as having awesome amounts of dick.

I listened to Snowden on NDT's podcast and he was surprisingly interesting. I mean he definitely had the habit of repeating some of his points, but a lot of those points I thought made goodly sense.

This pretty much sums up my feelings as well.

All the awards.

I did not know what his dad looked like. His dad was hot.

This is a really nice find. Well done, GJI.

Henry Mancini is such a gem of a composer.

What about people who want to rightfully judge and condemn him because he's a child rapist? and since he might not ever spend time in a jail cell for those horrific acts, watching him squirm under the revelation of these acts is at least something.

I sort of love you for this comment.

Hey, he only had his main character call a woman who helped him a 'whore' and not get reamed out for it so that the audience can learn that there are certain women who deserve to be called 'whores' and they are anyone you deem not a good person.

I'm so confused by this 'resource.' Isn't that what we do and have with the AV Club as it is?

Thank you. And it's sad that 'rehab' is so often invoked as some magic cure for the wealthy. And that by going through it you've basically done your time.

I don't know why I thought it was an okY idea to read this at 3:30 at night because now I have tears streaming down my face from watching that Paul Rudd clip from wanderlust.

:makes grabby hand motion:
I want a dirty story!

Let's just put it this way, in three entire seasons of the show the only whore to be seen is Sherlock. Attention slut, mediawhore, praise bitch. What they needed to have done is have John Watson call him out when he said it.

Makes about as much sense as this bullshit. Plus, hey a new method of public transit.

Oh no, all this hate for Transylvania 6-5000 is giving me a sad.

Hearing about all the costs that go into making this show it's no wonder they needed to rely on a deal like HBO . That said I hope they don't make any changes as far as casting. Add more puppets sure but as far as the human side of things, I mean have you ever seen a more diverse group than the picture above?

Considering how much critics and fans love to rim the Cumberbatch version which is full of the same James Bond tropes, style slickness of deductions making sense and a Holmes who called a woman a whore, I'm don't get the claim that Ritchie's version is further away from canon.

Omg. I can only gasp and laugh in shock at how perfect this is. Bravo.