
Hee! I love this analogy. Very apt from what I'm seeing, too.

Okay so that Sand Horses thing was hands down one of coolest piece of magic I've seen visualized on television or film. Not that it was as flashy or blow-your-mind, or 'check out how dragony explody color magic I can make this look' as other scenes I've seen are. What is revelatory about that one, what really helps

Not just drinking and gambling, the show heavily suggested he whored quite a bit as well.

Whenever I hear or see Marc Warren I first think of him in that huge coat from State of Play. Second, I recall from the Television Without Pity recap how a character said to Marc's character, named Blithe, 'Hubba Hubba' and the recapped joked that it was the weirdest motivational phrase, unless he just thinks Blithe

Perfect description of well portrayed the magic on this show is done.

Thank you for this comment I never read the books but I hav to say Childermass is already a favorite of mine.

To my own discredit I didn't know much of lee's backstory. Then I read that third paragraph. Holy crap he was amazing.

The level of sophistication and cinematography for this show seems overwhelmingly impossible for them to maintain but by god every episode they seem to outdo themselves.while I can't wait to get back to Will and the gang I will truly miss the gorgeous location shots.

Perfect comment.

My sister literally turned to me after the water line and said 'what a douche.'

I've always harbored a desire to use a variation of that theme when I walk down the aisle.

I believe the movie So I Married an Axe Murdered used the original but I could be wrong.

I've always thought the score to The Mission is one of the most beautiful, most exilarating pieces of music.

This is the most random follow up to something brilliantly funny, but the thing is I remember someone, perhaps you!, wrote a witty spider-man parody but it was about white guy version. I need to find it to have it back in my life but I can't seem to find the article it was attached to. Any help?

These puns are making me happy in a way that perhaps shouldn't considering the context. Ah and my love for this glorious place remains strong.

Boo thinks she's a mighty huntress (oh screw you autocorrect) when she's after a dust bunny.

Me too. Sloppy, avclub, very sloppy.

Hee! I remember that one.

My love for Jon Stewart goes beyond my heart. I'm talking like at soul level here.

This is the best explanation of purgatory I've ever read.