
Perfect explanation of that scene. I remember getting blindsided by the emotional undercurrent. Not at all what you had come to expect from the show. It was really well done.

I'm just hear to high five any and all Davos references.

Thank you. I wholeheartedly agree. While it can be wearisome to hear people criticize a show or movie you love, it's good to remember that if we just wanted to flail and make gif of our favorite scenes tumblr would be a better venue.

Yes. Sorry I posted before reading this comment. I effing love that scene. And it's exactly how I treat a foreign language I took in high school. Nothing-nothing-nothing- House! He said house. That word means house.

I really like this movie when I saw it as a kid. I might not have understood it but I liked it. One scene that stuck with me was how Banderas' character slowly learned to understand the Vikings language. Little words here and there snuck in and slowly more and more of them became English.

I think another huge way Daredevil subverts the masculinity tropes is how characters are portrayed. Specifically Charlie Cox, who's never afraid to cry to wince or moan in pain or distress. And as nicely ripped as Charlie got for the role even he acknowledged that Daredevil shouldn't be a muscle bound hunk. I know for

Agreed. He's best when the material gives him fangs.

And something else I don't often see written about this movie but should probably be enforced. It has Ian McShane. Anything with Ian McShane automatically gets upgraded by several 100 points.

John Wick was a movie I was 100% not interested in seeing, but when I finally did see it, I absolutely loved it. Instead of been there done that aspect of Taken or a billion other movies about saving daughters, wives, sons, girlfriends, I still can't wrap my head around the fact this one was about a cute puppy. John

Good choice!

I could not agree more with everything you said. I think they're taking Margaery too far myself, as much as I love her getting a few one-ups over Cersei. I have no need to see too much sympathy siphoned off Margaery and onto the latter.

I've just started this show on Amazon a little over two weeks ago. This is the episode that forced me to out and comment. God I love Boyd. I can't believe from reading some of e recaps he was supposed to die at the beginning of the first season.

Great article. I like that it praises some of the character traits while able to criticize the blatant racism.
For my part, I never read the book, though my sister did and like quoted lines to me for a year she loved it so much.
I guess I could do without ever seeing the movie again, given that I barely remember most

If someone told me 5 years ago that they were going to remake The Wrath of Khan with a white dude, I would have laughed my ass off at the very ludicrous thought of it. If someone had given me a picture of Benedict Cumberbatch and said, 'this is the one they'll cast' I would have slowly stepped away from that person

I liked that too. I totally called him being violent death fodder early on. Pleasantly surprised he turned out to be so significant to the ultimate bringing down of Fisk.

"That's my wife, you crone!"

Ha Ha. This is the best.

Wait, I love Charlie Cox's strong firm jawline!

I'm right there with you. I still adore the first Hunger Games and he was a huge reason why.

I thought it was stellar. I never realized he wasn't American until I looked him up after the second episode. That said I confess I'm no expert on accents.