
Oh my God, that's right! I keep forgetting he's British.

Right? That was refreshing to see.

Yeah as incredibly gutted as I was about Ben's death I'm still over the moon they carefully crafted such a great character that was black. They didn't shove him to the side or make him seem incompetent in comparison to the white characters or something. He's definitely one of the best POC characters I've seen on TV…

I just want to give major props to Cox who, when given clear Buffy-esque lines, would pause in such a way and with just such a delivery to completely remove the prefabricated friendly banter feel, in a way that makes it natural. I noticed it a lot when he and Karen and Foggy were joking in this episode.

I really like and appreciate this assessment of Urich. And a lovely tribute to the guy. RIP Ben.

Same for me. This actor really knocked it out of the park. He and Karen had this sweet mentorship thing going that I will miss greatly.

I agree in so many ways. There is something really special about Daredevil.

*raises hand* I did. I know see how wrong I was but yeah, I confess the thought did occur to me.

I had a similar thought.

Possible SPOILER…
I'm guessing he means the jokes about "the hard stuff" that Karen alludes to taking later on.

I had no knowledge of the comics for Daredevil before the show but since I've been catching up with the major plotlines and by God if they don't stay faaaar away from some of the stuff they do to Karen's character I will run screaming.

Yes! I'm so glad someone mentioned her. I wanted to give her a shout out when I first saw the episode except there was no AVClub review at the time. Thank you for reminding me of her awesomeness. He was trying to be all loud and growly and intimidating and she was all, "Bitch, step out of my OR!"

Yeah that moment was a total shocker for me. I really can't imagine Fisk without Wesley so him dying is a gut-punch. However, in that moment Karen became total badass in a way I was thrilled to see. If she'd been damsel in distress I would have raged.

No one can tell me that this's show's true OTP isn't Fisk/Wesley. No one.

I agree with everything you said. Both of them are irreplaceable.

I volunteer!!!

This episode was so good. Charlie Cox nailed it when Matt was breaking apart as he slowly realized how badly he hurt his best friend, as well as when Foggy was questioning him being a superhero at all. But I was honestly astonished at how much I thought Henson knocked it out of the park.

I laughed in absolute mirth at that joke. It was a great moment of their friendship.

This deserves 100 upvotes.

"You're a mechanical device. And you don't reason with logic. Burn." He must have went to my sister's school of put downs.