
What a not fun, sexy time you're having, Matt.

Crap. That sucks. I absolutely hope he comes back for season 2. I hate change, man!

I love this site. I had no idea where this was from so I had to look it up. And I am now a better person for knowing. Thanks!

For real? Aw man, that would have been awesome.

Mine too. as I rewatch all the episodes I find he's the one I'm really drawn to the most. Outside of Charlie Cox of course.

Aww. I reall liked Nobu.

Oh shit. Is it wrong I laughed really hard at that?

'Nuff said.

I normally hate with a capital H anything Christian in my fun time fiction entertainment. Either it's dumb preachy or just dumb, and whitewashes the most important elements. Well not once has Daredevil actually said Jesus. Buuuut I give a lot of points to when the Father nods toward the large crucifix and says he was

Ha ha. Yes it was this one. It happens right after the Father was saying in his earlier days he went with the grey zone definition of devil. Matt jumped in before he wa done explaining.

That was unexpectedly great. I really like that they made him full on believer in the devil and not being washy washy on the good vs evil thing. So many shows and movies That pretend to have a bent towards Christianity or Catholicism rarely go so far.

And that's a perect example of how well this show does a common trope. Bane wanted to destroy the city but *destroying the fucking city.* Fisk is rebuilding Hell's Kitchen through demolition and gentrification. Which actually happens all the time in real life, and that sense of realistic power Fisk has is 10 times

Ha ha. That's got to be true. Love me some Wesley.


I bet all those other cufflinks were bought and carefully placed by Wesley. It helps Fisk be able to actively choose his father's when he has other options. Plus, I bet Wesley knew that one day they might be of use. Cause Wesley's awesome like that.

My friend and I suspected a certain actor had this done so we looked those procedures up. silicone and saline can be injected into either the penis or balls, so yeah…

I've watched ever single episode and after rewatching Cut Man I do believe this is my favorite episode.

Damn son. *slow clap*

I admit it, I laughed at booboo fatal. But then again I laugh pretty easily.

I completely agree. I appreciated how non nurturing he was at every turn. I kept expecting a heartfelt moment but the second I felt it was coming with the wrapper he just leaves. Heh.