
Yeah my guess is that he purposefully wanted to make a show of his allegiance. I think he figured a grand public gesture was exactly what was called for.

Thank god I'm not the only one. I'm a straight woman and I know I should focus more on his muscular frame but Jesus I can't stop staring at his plump rump.

Another reason why I'm loving this Matt Murdoch guy and this Daredevil show even though I know jack about either.

I was just coming to post that Im fine with the review except the yay, Turk part. The two-incher who tazed those poor women going to be sold as sex slaves deserves no Yay's.

Ha ha ha. Giant green rage troll.

I want to frame this comment. You've perfectly described everything I love about the fight scenes in this show. I also love how Charlie plays them. Constantly breathing hard and moaning.

I wat Matt to have to go up against Bob Loblaw.

Couldn't agree more. Matt's humanity as both man and superhero is absolutely wonderful.

I started this show last night after hearing so much buzz. I can't say enough good things about it. I'm actually shocked by how non glitzy and over the top it is.


*nods sagely as if I'm smart enough to understand*

I think we're all so used to the Hamlin type character in shows now adays. His is a very common trope and easy to be believed even here, especially given how well written he was as a foil for Jimmy. The fact that BCS subverted that trope from the very beginning is what's super impressive.

ooooooo *shivers*

Oh yes. I completely agree that it was Chuck's doing from the very start. I imagine he went to Hamlin immediately after Jimmy gave him his news about passing the bar. When Hamlin came to poop on Jimmy's party, that was all due to Chuck's interference.

Man that really made me like the guy. And I can't help but wonder if Chuck hadn't protested Jimmy working at the firm from the very beginning, what Hamlin and Jimmy would have looked like if they ever had to team up.

Oh god, this is sad and desperate. Like he lives vicariously through his sherlock and Benedict by extension.

What abou Minimum Max? I mean he goes to work. He sits at his desk. He does stuff…occasionally.

I just woke my bf I laughed so hard.

Yeah, it pretty much had me at Damian Lewis.

Okay but see these over the top cheesy lines are actually making me want to see this happen.