
My heart is such that I don't think it will fully trust fictional relationships again.

I've always loved those tiny horses.

I agree but I'd still love to see what Louis tries to get away with.

Oh God, that man. I haven't seen his face for years and I still want to punch it.

Noah has charm and wit coming out his ears. I do hope he can maintain the level of social awareness that Jon's show has. TDS brings up issues of all kinds, not focusing on a few here and there unless the are prominent in the media at that time.

"except that Sherlock's whole bit about "you married Mary because she's a psychopath and you would be bored otherwise" was false as shit considering the first half of the episode was him being bored by her false housewife impersonation. "

I'm with you. They turned Sherlock into James Bond for literally no reason.

Great for you. And great for us that we can criticize the show as much as we want. I used to love Sherlock. First season was a gift. But it's gotten terrible and I love that I've finally found people who agree.

For me though, Sherlock is nothing like canon Holmes. He's sociopathic and barely gets called out on being a complete gaping asshole all the time. Worst, however, is that the show slowly makes John dumber and do less as times goes on for what I can only assume is an attempt to make Sherlock smarter and better.

Sherlock raping John is like 50% of the fanfics out there so this isn't far off from anything in fandom really.

Perhaps nothing is so obvious of Moffat's self-insert of himself as Sherlock more than the fact he cast his own son (who looks remarkably a lot like Moffat himself) as young Sherlock.

Yeah, I agree in that the secret brother or whatever past thing they're bringing up is just plain dumb. It's like they're trying to recapture what made Skyfall special, which were these nice hints at Bond's youth. But the revenge angle they're going for here is already wearisome.

I love how every week this show completely rewrites my expectations of what it is or what I think it's suppose to be. Before it started I had it pegged as the fun times Saul show with colorful drug dealers and humorous moments of legal representation. Never would I have guessed it would be a in-depth look at two

Don't say such things. As awful as it sounds I'd more want to see Chuck meet an untimely demise than to see these brothers have a falling out.

Oh wow thanks for that. Just shows how little about the TV production world i know.

On a completely shallow note, I really dislike how they dyed Bob O's hair this week. Quite noticeable to a girl who may or may not have a crush on that guy.

Okay I'm feeling better about it. The Aristotle quote is perfect for them.

I totally see where you're coming from. But for me this would only hold on paper. In the show's context there are a lot of other factors at work here. None more important than the delusions and corrupt behavior of the clients themselves. While Jimmy is caught between a rock and a stone for taking the money in the

I for one am dying for a scene with Kim's reaction to Jimmy's sex robot noises.

Dentists, who needs them? Same for those Blacks and Jews.