
I like these points your making. These are good points.

Anyone else remember the time Stephen had that green screen footage contes?Oh god those were amazing. I hope h brings some of those back.

Heh I'll have to look for that on the rewatch.

Ah, bad times.

I lost you at the word pretentious.

My sister has two and one of them even grooms the other. But he never licks her back. I think she's slowly given up trying.

They must have someone on staff who's solely dedicated to picking out the most random yet completely appropriate and scene enhancing songs because this show and breaking bad nail it every time.

I'm really starting to have mixed feelings about this series. It started with last weeks episode and continued here. Mike and Saul were amazing characters from breaking bad who lived and ended that series in ways that made complete sense and satisfaction in that show's context. But now, seeing them here fleshed out

My neck gets easily cold so turtlenecks save me from having to constantly wear scarves. I mean I love me a good scarf don't get me wrong but there are days I just don't feel like it, you know?

A+ reference.

I sort of like it. Going Connery old school.

I agree about the jokey, over the top atmosphere the show got into by season 2. As for the next one, I did watch season 3 and wish I hadn't. The way they transformed John into the lamest put upon man I existence, making him literally the damsel in distress to Sherlocks so called hero, and getting one maybe two good

Perfect first comment is perfect. Yeah I hate how this show basically de-balled John Watson and made him the dumb Watson of old just to make Sherlock seem smarter and a James Bond type figure.

Yeah see as an avid reader of fic I'm going to have to lay it straight. Fifa are 90% smut or romance. All this non-sexual claims is bullshit. Just go into ao3 and one of the bigger fandoms and see the top 20, hell top 50 fits. They all have straight out smut or implied fuckin in them.

I don't know much about comics but this comment is seriously making me want to check out this character's stuff. Love it.

I was just going to lurk for this article since I'm not too familiar with the subject matter, but then I read your comment and had to log in to upvote.

The Conjuring is for me the best horror film in the last 5 years. I was actually not too impressed with Babbadook, as incredibly well made as I found it. The book visuals and dark promises there were by far the scariest parts. I need to see The Guest and The Witch looks interesting.

Jeez, if they think Minecraft is violent they clearly have never played a single other video game.

I saw an Achievement Hunter Rage Quit on this video game. Seems really cool but also depressing. Still, I like that it seems to hold nothing back and goes full bleak.

Ha ha! Doh! Stupid brain.