
Yeah I loved the movie as a kid but it was always for me super serious and dark. There was a visceral sense of urgency and meaning behind the Rats and their need to move away.

Oh God, this just reminds me that there were some rumors about remaking Clue at one point in time.
Flames at the side of my face, yo.

Whoa, that's deep.

Yeah, I'm going to show this episode to my boyfriend and see if I can't convince him to watch this show. So far he's been heavily reluctant.

Oh, Mike. Take me.

I agree this was a really fun episode. I loved the pace and Hemsworth has a natural easy way with humor that makes me wish he'd do some comedies.

Be right back, gotta wipe the tears of bitterness from my face.

Literally the one time in fiction where the seems-too-good-and-heroic-too-be-true character is actually less amazing than the real person he's based on.

That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I’m following him.

<bats eyelashes=""> " I love" "you"

A dude who goes around with such strong inner convictions and moral integrity and does it all while wearing sweater vests? Has *got* to be swinging some pipe.
And yes I did just make you think of that in reference to Mr. Rogers. You're welcome.

His incredibly professional and respectful manner in dealing with deliciously horny Audrey Horne takes him up to the stratosphere of men.

Thank God this is best comment. The comments section defaulted to 'oldest first' and when I finally saw him mentioned it only had 5 likes. I was baffled, simply baffled it didn't have more. Now I can breath a sigh of relief and all is right with the world. Kudos good sir.

Dale Cooper - so much yes to this.

He *owned* those chairs.

I need to go back to those. I quit after Master and Commander, the first in the series, not because it wasn't good. Because it was too good. I knew already the general friendship of Aubrey and Maturin so it was a genuine surprise to read about the James Dillon character. Such a fascinating character. It helped elevate

I'll have to think about this but on the tip of my brain there's Russell Crowe's Gladiator. While he completely embodies all those basic masculine stereotypes I enjoyed his devotion to his late wife and child.

Basically this is going to be hilarious if not sad to watch.

Oh yeah, that segue from "I'm going to save my dad!" into the title screen was stellar. And seriously on what other show would one be able to see that sort of hilariously dark humor now adays. I mean there are plenty of shows with dark humor out there (many are animated) but I actually don't find I laugh at what they