
What that ultimately means of course is that in the actual tablet, the A5X will not perform significantly better than say the Transformer Prime, because any extra processing power it has will be eaten by that ridiculously high resolution.

Actually i think the score you are looking for is Apple 1 Truth 0

On the contrary, it's exactly Apples fault. Marketing folks aren't idiots and Apple hires hands down -the best- marketers. They knew going in that repeatedly pointing out the "quad core gpu" would equate to "quad core tablet" in most consumers (read uneducated) minds.

Careful Sam, there be iFanboys about... I've been attacked pretty viciously for stating what, at least I thought, was pretty obvious.

After reading the title, my first instinct was that the answer was "buying it"... ;)

Great, now all we need is a pill for stupid... *gazes knowingly at the last paragraph*

ROFL, anything for a click right Jesus?

I'd say about 95% of the time if it's the kind of impersonal service where you would have to leave a "jar" to collect tips, it's not getting a tip from me.

The point the original poster was insinuating of course was that Windows is less secure than OSX, which is ironic since these exact types of hacking competitions have shown numerous times that OSX is in fact no more secure and quite possibly less secure than windows. It only has less malware because it has less market

Don't bother optimus, been there done this in another thread. Bloomberg will tell you that multi-tasking is meaningless, the A5X is the fastest chip ever to exist, and that Apple invented the computer... and the wheel... and the sun. Apple announcements bring out the fanbois

The low power core is not only utilized when the system is idle, it's used for alot of processing, including even some video and audio. They really throttle the system down any time that there isn't a need for more and it shows. My Prime lasts anywhere from 6 to 12 hours on a single charge depending on what I'm using

If it floats, then its a witch!

That sounds like a solid HR Strategy! /sarcasm

Yeah, since they haven't change the banner and updated the article twice now... moron. And only a dimwit corrects grammar in comments posts. There's a significant difference between someone posting something they haven't fully read as I pointed out and not giving a shit about proper grammar in an online forum.

Javascript performance cannot be fully unbound from browser performance, numskull. That's how Google, Apple, and Mozilla are able to constantly improve javascript performance in their products without sneaking into our computers overnight and swapping out our processors.

Javascript performance is CPU bound numskull. So yeah, as I said, in CPU bound testing, Prime won out. Not only that, it won running a ROM with no hardware acceleration, while the A5 was running a fully optimized, hardware accelerated OS. To win under those conditions, even marginally, is a landslide for the hardware,

Seriously? I almost don't want to reply cause i feel bad for you... do you fanboys even bother to read what you are linking to or is it that you are just completely illiterate?

So let me get this straight, on just CPU to CPU performance, a chip with 2 Cortex A9 processors on it is twice as fast as a chip with 5 (4 full speed, 1 nerfed) Cortex A9 processors on it... I'll believe that when I see it. Being as the same 2 Cortex processors on the A5 get smoked by the Kal-El, I'd say this is

On the contrary, if you need someone to tell you what to buy and how to use it, Apple is perfect for you!

LOL, according to Gizmodo something Apple is irrationally superior to something else... shocker.