
It won't be long before anyone wanting to visit the "free internet" will have to point to a DNS server somewhere in Europe, as the USA, middle east, and asiatic countries are by and large creating their own fractured and filtered subnets. And since the EU has a fantastic track record for screwing things up themselves,


Google is in a no win here. If they hand over access to dead people's accounts too easily, they will once again be called pirates of others data and insecure with peoples private lives. On the other hand, if they keep your data secure, then they are a heavy handed P.I.T.A. according to the comments I'm reading.

It does if you consider the difference in request volume between even a moderately popular blog/site and the volume of git clone's that the average project receives.

Nice article, I've oft wondered why people opt for the heavy handed install route in cases where portables exist. Then again, i fall into the same camp as you, monster gaming rig with SSD = don't really care about "performance".

It's not a law because science doesn't make "laws". The laws of gravity and motion are themselves still theories. Ask any scientist. Science recognizes that our understanding of anything is at all times incomplete and therefore all scientific knowledge is a "theory", leaving itself open to be improved upon and changed

These documents are being produced as part of the discovery process... no one has been convicted of infringement. Sorry Fanboy, try again.

I know, and the reasonable side of me agrees with you. That other side, the one we don't usually talk to, he's reminded that often it only takes a few bad apples to ruin a good thing for everyone.

I had to explain to my younger brother the other day the concept of a tax refund, why it's actually better NOT to get one. I was stunned to find out that he didn't yet realize that the money he got every tax season was actually his own money back... After reading the comments here, I'm even more stunned to realize

Nothing like an article which touts exactly what a site -doesn't- want you to do with it's service ("Host your own website for free!") and then throws in a disclaimer at the end to point that out.

If you have debts, paying them off is the way to go... if you don't have debts, CD's are still a terrible option. If you specifically like the lack of liquidity provided by the CD (i.e., I lack the self-discipline not to touch this money unless it's locked away) you can get better interest in other markets. If you

They were tracking but after everyone got all up in arms about Google's new privacy policy, they were disabled so that no one would accuse the Army of unfairly targetting ads. O_O

Don't look at me, I'm not a lawyer. I don't understand the deep legal complexities, but i do know based on everything I've read that this is why exceptions were explicitly added to the DMCA for things like Phone ROMS/Jailbreaking. The DMCA basically allowed the software license to tie in the hardware's use.

I was probably unclear here... you may "own" the hardware, but your use of it is still actually governed by the software "licensing" you agreed to when you booted it up. Check out Apple's policy if you are unclear what this means. What it basically boils down to, is that you may own the physical presence of the

Ironically, you don't "own" most of what you buy these days in high technology... read your end user agreements carefully and you find most of what you "own" is really only "licensed" to you. The DMCA opened the gates to this shenanigans.

Your deluding yourself friend. I've got the below system (a couple years old, but hardly low end, and even today that gfx card doesn't go for $200) and there are still places in skyrim where my framerate can dip as low as 20 FPS on ultra settings @ 1080p. Running something and maxing it are two very different things.

Point me to the ~$200 video card that can max Skyrim @ 1080p or better.

Ironically though, if you switched from an Android phone to say... WP7, you'd be A-OK because all the other phone manufacturers have abondoned this crap practice of proprietary hardware and almost all non-Apple phones are Micro-USB.

I find it ironic though that when Apple does something that has already been done in their new products, this same phenomenon tends to happen, where they get credit despite it not being new... no one seems to point it out then. Interesting conundrum.

I'm not disagreeing that children can, at times, be well behaved. I'm merely pointing out the irony that all parents think their kids are well behaved, and yet most kids are not well behaved in general. Of course I'm generalizing, it would take a long time for me to get to know every child on earth and then describe