
Thanks for confirming what I've already found to be largely true... vegans are humorless.

oh the myriad things wrong with the phrase "vegan cream cheese"

Ironically i think that might be as much the resturaunts fault as the consumers. It seems nearly impossible to get a consistent medium steak these days. I either get a cold center (medium rare), or no red at all (medium well).

Well behaved kids are a myth, propagated by parents in denial. Ask 10 parents and 9 will tell you their kids are "pretty well behaved". Now go out and find me any sampling of 10 kids that has 9 well behaved kids in it and I'll define statistical anomaly for you.

I consider myself a generous tipper, usually starting at 15% on a bad day and going upwards of 35% for great service, and agree with many of your points but there's also a lot of self-entitled crap in here.

No, actually it's not what we're talking about, at least not if we are both talking about the article above. First, they are all being introduced at the show not actually launched for sale. If you take the time to read the press release, when they will be released to the public is not mentioned. I know that Jamie's

Why wait? Samsung is among the smartphone manufacturers I referred to who maintain a similar strategy of offering many different phones at once across platforms and they were #1 in revenue as recently as Q4 2011. It seems this is settled in my favor. I accept your apology.

Give me a break... that's 8 phones across several markets and two entirely different platforms. Moreover, he doesn't even actually have the info on what the phone breakdown is, so he has no idea what the crap he's yammering on about. For all he knows it could be a perfectly reasonable breakdown across markets/product

It could also be that this measure is completely toothless at this point and so time spent implementing it is largely time wasted anyway.

I remember the first time I wrote an entire article just so that I could point out, for the bajillionth time, how much i loved my iPhone. O_o

50% faster, so we've gone from a measly 8 FPS to a rocking 12 FPS... O_o

If he were a conservative talking head, he'd be lauded as a hero for these same actions... just sayin'.

One could also posit that they've done us all a huge favor by bringing national attention the utterly pathetic state of almost all our network infrastructure and security, from corporate sector to public sector. The smart money says the next world war isn't fought with boots on the ground, but with the complete and

Siri clone... lol.

The fact that other products don't work well with iPhone is Apple's fault, not MediaMonkey or other developer's. Apple intentionally makes it cumbersome and difficult to work with their products outside their specific software environ, in order to try and force you onto their platform. Getting you into iTunes on a

Not sure where you got your info, but Amazon most definetly serves up more than 100 people at a time. I've had the pro version for about a year now and have never had a single request rejected... that said, the auto-tagging doesn't work terribly great when doing it "from web" as it's highly inaccurate, at least in my

Settling without admitting fault exists only in the context of legality. In the context of reality, a settlement is an admission of guilt.

You're coming across as a bit daft... "citing the US Constitution" requires interpretation and since we no longer live in the same context that the Constitution was written in, that requires the application of common sense and logic (perhaps you favor this word?). If you need common sense "defined in a formal

One might consider it just karmic justice for the complete and utter disdain Jobs treated his customers with when they reported a problem and he responded with "your using it wrong idiots" (sic).

So will Apple fans continue to claim that the iPhone 4 signal issue didn't exist or can we consider Apple's settlement admission and move on?