
Most of what you said is repeating the same rambling nonsense as before, the bottom line is that integrating the messenger into the OS is neither new (A dozen linux OS's comes with built in messengers, as does Windows) nor will it have any hope of revolutionizing IM... my point stands despite your rants.

If you don't think interpreting the a 200 year old document and discerning it's application to the problems and challenges of a world completely changed from the one that the Framers lived in innately requires the use of common sense, then you are right, there's no possible way to have a meaningful conversation

If you live under an oppressive government in a post apocalyptic wasteland world (jk), you have bigger concerns than your cogophilia getting out. The bottom line is, the tin-foil hat wearing crowd who are always up in arms over online tracking are generally over-reacting.

That's the point though... everything you download says that, not just the things that haven't given Apple their cut of profits.

Being as laws cannot be made retro-active, as long as you stopped the late night cogging sessions, you'd be fine.

a) Citizens United shows that the supreme court is more than capable of making an aweful, history changing decision, which is exactly what Citizens United will prove to be. As if Corporate interests didn't already inwardly own our political system, now they publicly do as well. Obviously, Citizens doesn't play

I'd change the subject too since it's clear to anyone reading that you are commenting NOT based upon the conversation but your own personal biases in favor of Apple. Bottom line, you came in here shooting your mouth off to defend Apple when no one was actually attacking Apple, but rather commenting on the ridiculously

Hepatitis B is bloodborn and can transmit a number of ways which involve neither sex nor drugs. With an almost non-existant risk factor, can you think of a good reason not to?

Since it will, like all Google services likely be totally free for some ridiculous amount of storage, should you have the right to bitch about it?

Right, cause our court system has done a bangup job lately with decisions like Citizens United. And any censorship is an open door to total censorship. There are no half-measures in freedom. You either have it or don't.

If you grok grep, then there is no need for any other local search... ever...

Solid as always Whitson... I'm thinking of standing up a NAS for my own house. Right now I run a Fedora server that serves as both my entire home server setup and my data storage. I use Plex and Subsonic on it behind a DDNS address for media on my phone in addition to broadcasting DLNA for my home devices... Do you

I was myself being hyperbolic in my reply... point being that the title is overblown. The FBI isn't "shutting anyone down", they are simply no longer supporting DNS servers they themselves put up to help people affected by the virus. But "FBI to shut down anti-virus DNS servers, infected PC's could be impacted"

Reading, top to bottom, left to right... string words together to form sentences... you should give it a try sometime, or have someone teach you how. If you did, you'd see that nowhere in this comment thread did anyone claim Apple needed to invent IM. A title like "The future of IM" however, should probably be

I understand that, and I'm sure for those who use iMessage and FaceTime, it's a nice product. But frankly, amongst -all- IM users, iMessage and FaceTime are an extremely small percentage. The Apple proprietary chat stuff never took off. So, sure, for those users I'm sure it's a great boon... but again, "the future of

Better in what way? It sounds like it works exactly like a half-dozen other free products with the exception that it works with Apple's proprietary instant messenger that no one but Mac Luddites use anyway... so how exactly is it better? Because it comes bundled with the OS? The fact of the matter is, this is just

The title of this article is extremely misleading hyperbole. I clicked here half expecting to see some sort of Iran style crackdown, when in fact what is actually happening is that the FBI, by court order, is going to be forced to shut down DNS servers it's been using to route traffic from infected computers. Without

And there's nothing wrong with that... but how does iOS finally getting caught up to existing tech on a number of platforms constitute "The future of messaging"... it's that hyperbole and complete denial of existing tech that is so annoying.

ROFL... the "future of IM" happened years ago, it's called Trillian, or Pidgin, or Adium, or any number of other non-Apple products that came around years and years ago. Nice to see that Apple finally got around to ripping it off so the iCrowd could declare it revolutionary and all the lemmings could march off to the

"I leave FF open for weeks, with hundreds of tabs open in panorama. I've yet to see it hit one Gig of RAM. And FYI Chrome leaks more hardcore than FF these days. Here's you promised *bitchslap*."