
Unless you consider that Firefox leaks like a sieve... Leave open a couple tabs in FF for 24 hours and you'll come back to a program that's using a couple GB of memory. If you close after every session, it's not a concern, but if you like to leave your browser open at all times, FF is an atrocious choice.

You've entirely missed my point... the thread is about giving end users an app to basically ask them if they want to block contact access at runtime instead of filtering it at the app download page... My point is, if what you are saying is true, and they are too stupid to understand that information at the time they

In that case, do we really care? Should the world stoop to the level of the stupid to make every halfwit happy... *sigh*

Those users should try reading then... imo ignorance is almost never an excuse in an age where any peice of information in existance is a mere Google or Bing away.

Don't get me wrong... there's nothing wrong with complaining, as long as your complaints are legitimate... if you had said, I'd rather pay and have ad-free tracking-free service as you did in your last post originally, I would consider that an entirely valid stance to have and in fact, depending on the cost, might be

I get what you are asking for, just never saw a need. I only install apps which have a need to have the permissions they request. If it's asking for contact info that it doesn't need, even after blocking that, who knows what else it's doing.

Exactly... they are only "tongue-in-cheek" when someone calls you out on them. Pull up any article by Jesus or Jamie over the last year and there's a 9 in 10 chance that it will contain some snarky, UNRELATED (just as this one is), shot at Android or Google. It's pathetic. If it's not relevant to the story, there's no

If you really want easy, you are way better off setting up a NAS or a linux box running samba and always saving to the server location.

All Android apps disclose in the market what permissions they use. There are specific permissions for accessing different pieces of your contact info. You know exactly what any android app has access to before you ever download it.


That is of course assuming that the phone company provided you phone service free of charge and used those adverts to offset their costs... That's the real problem you have with Google right? You want them to provide you with all of those awesome services, for free, and without any sort of remediation to them at all.

Bionic is full phone encryptable, as are most Moto phones as far as I understand.

Only if you forget to wear your tinfoil hat!


"As if allegedly stealing the idea for Android from Apple wasn't enough in the first place, eh?"

Starbucks coffee is way over roasted... tastes burnt if you don't smother it in cream and sugary flavoring.

I'm willing to bet you didn't point out the 50 articles crapping on some Android feature unnecessarily before you took the time to point out his "bias" in this one article...

Negative, it is -not- chrome, nor is it based upon chrome.

Refundable credits for children mean that my single man, unmarried tax dollars get to be refunded to him because he decided to pop out 3 kids... welcome to wealth redistribution.

spoken like someone who doesn't have a clue.