
Thanks for the links.

Everything I've read puts the dose of nicotine from a 1 hour hookah session as being equivalent to roughly smoking an entire pack of cigarettes. Would you mind posting likage to your source that says it's only equivalent to two cigarrettes?

One might also note that this has impacted only a small number of users, which is a far cry from compromising the security of your entire user base as Sony did... One would think that would go without saying, but i guess the world looks different through fanboy glasses.

Combine this with the complete mauling of the latest Splinter Cell game and you have the death of stealth games :(

Perfect example of the law of diminishing returns.

Millions of Hookah smokers the world over would have to disagree with you. Hookah is inhaled (technically can be done either way) and the nicotine dose is MUCH higher than a pipe or cigarrette. Few smokers of Hookah report any sort of addictive effect (other than how nice it is of course).

"bf3 set the standard for online shooters"

"Wrong. Siri is wholly different than existing Google voice command. Anyone who is sane can tell you that just by using them both. Different experience, different usage. Integration into the device is a different animal. Just because both use voice? Oh gee, same! Ridiculous."

PS3 players also didn't pay for a subscription to their online service of choice... people forget that some of the money Microsoft collects from XBL membership fees, aside from providing dedicated servers for superior interface, goes to securing deals and exclusives for Xbox members. No matter what Sony told you, free

One might assume that it deserves a more fair review though... it took all of the first sentence for the author to set the tone as "This is the best android tablet but only because it's an Apple ripoff". From there we reach the begrudging conclusion to buy "if you are SURE you don't want an iPad" carrying the obvious

You've actually still missed the point entirely. It takes more than just a high market share to constitute a monopoly. There have to be barriers to entry that would prevent competitors from springing up and reasonably competing, which is not the case in search. Look at Bing or Wolfram Alpha, both successful entrants

ROFLM@O @ Source: Wiki.... ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What passes for credible sources these days is hysterical.

Seriously... where can i get those decals?

Stunned... completely and utterly stunned is my only response... an article by Jesus Diaz which not only do I not feel like was written by a petulant six year old, but one I can actually agree with. Bully on you Jesus! Great Success! /borat impression

Manufacturers tend to customize the software on the Android OS to try and differentiate themselves in the largely homogeneous phone market... unfortunately, what this means is that they then have to remake these changes for each new version Google releases in order to incorporate, test, and fix anything broken by the

Exactly... that's why you arbitrarily lock features like Siri, which would work perfectly fine on prior devices, to your new devices...

I would pile on to the comments pointing out that this site is ridiculously biased in favor of Apple and actively seeks to bash any Google/Android product in any way it possibly can showing a complete and utter lack of journalistic integrity, but that would be redundant. That is also ignoring the other failings of

That's because you're an idiot, too stupid to make your own decisions and should use the laptop the way Steve Jobs intended... At least that's what my Apple Engineer friend told me.

Oh good call, i forgot about the Monster power bricks and the evil "dirty power"... be afraid, your power is dirty! Let us fix it for you with a $200 surge protector... rofl.

You seem to have missed the "wrongful or criminal" part of that. Trying to get onto a plan she's not eligible for is neither. One might certainly consider it shady or less than honest, but it most certainly does not qualify as fraud. The customer is not responsible for enforcing Verizon's policies, i would have