
I would suggest re-reading the definition of the term "monopoly", as it should become more clear which is the "evil megacorp" once you actually understand what a monopoly is and the difference between what Microsoft did with IE and what Google has done with Chrome.

It's only the line because you are on gizmodo and we are talking about Google... Apple could have sacrificed children to the great volcano god Chikamanga in the name of increasing sales and it wouldn't have even gotten an article, much less been labeled "evil". This site has gone so far downhill it's pathetic.

It really doesn't matter because any cable you buy at Best Buy is outrageously priced when compared to the price of cabling at places like Amazon or Monoprice.

I'd say the supervisor should be taught what it means to commit fraud before incorrectly accusing customers of it.

This + Truefitt and Hill Almond shave cream... :-)

I still don't get it... I spent a little over $5k on a top of the line Epson projector and a Black Diamond screen (absorbs incidental light, so ambient light doesn't cause fading). For less than this 55" set will cost, i got a 120" set. I'm willing to bet, unless oversaturated colors are your thing, it looks a heck of

No I agree, competition is extremely important. It's why, despite my own lack of enthusiasm for all things Apple, I wouldn't want to see them go away. That being said, I find Apple's new-found propensity for what I can only describe as frivolous litigation as a substitute for real innovation to be distasteful and

I believe you have confused "innovate" with "litigate", as the iPhone 4, 4s, and iPad2 all show a serious lack of the former, and the latter is all that Apple has done for over a year now to compensate.

You can lost it and can no haz cheezburger!

Then you are either a lawyer, a recording studio executive, or an idiot.

Wow, 2.1 somehow feels like ages ago. And i thought i had it rough having to wait a couple months for my Bionic to get the ICS upgrade ;)

"I'm stopping here, because the rest of the article is complete crap too. I think the article's title should be "I hate everything about Mac: Spoiler alert: I'm an immature troll." Lifehacker, are your contributing authors COMPLETELY unmoderated? How did this piece of shit even get on your site?"

Apple's market share has been stagnant for many months while Android continues to gain market share. In a market dominated by app stores, where developers will go to the largest base, if Apple isn't terrified by this, they are stupid. And no one here thinks Apple is stupid do they?

"And when they came up with that algorithm, instead of checking up to see if it would violate anything, they went ahead and used it anyway. Entirely possible. This is a patent, which can be looked up, nothing to do with how "closed" iOS is."

You've misunderstood my statement. The JVM, not the language, is where that efficiency comes from. I'm well aware of the leaps and bounds the JVM has made in performance, hence my glowing statement about its strength.

Violating a patent doesn't inherently mean they flat out ripped it off. It's entirely possible (and likely since iOS is a closed source product) that the two companies came up with similar algorithms and Apple decided it was close enough to sue over. Patent infringement does not require intent.

NO! It proves that Steve Jobs was a visionary... /sarcasm

Ah the beauty of Java!

Too late! They already filed suit 2 years ago in anticipation that Intel might perhaps, one day, by chance, create a "phone", which as we all know is an Apple patented term.

Still no flash support. Fail.