
Apple Inc: Winning the market one frivolous lawsuit at a time!

If you are using Toodledo, I'd suggest looking at DGT GTD... it has a Toodledo sync plugin and easily the best UI I've found in a task manager on Android.

Data mining. Plain and simple.

And you're being dense if, given access to all the data and methodology, you cite nebulous platitudes like "You know people are influences by the folks paying the bills" without backing it up at all. The data and results are all present and can easily be reviewed. Unless you can provide evidence of impropriety from

I think your beef is with their semantics then, not their results, which are valid.

Apple Inc: We know best... idiot!

"It seems none of them had he vision that Steve Jobs had when he first saw Siri"

I disagree on both points. The fact that google funded it doesn't mean anything given that the complete testing and data to support conclusions is provided. Scientific rigor removes any hint of impropriety based on funding. It's common sense, if i can see the results and can use their data to replicate them...

Bingo... in fact, even in this article, the author managed to sneak in an "Android always runs like crap" comment... blatantly false but nevermind that, we don't worry about journalistic integrity, accuracy of information, or even spell checking here at gizmodo!

The only one of those things apple came up with was multitouch specifically on phones. LG was the first to do cap. touch screens on phones, linux and winmo both had app markets long before iPhone, and multitouch existed for almost a decade before the iphone, in other devices.

Then it's time to form or find a new government.

I've tried it a couple of times, as it gets pushed every couple of months (coded by one of the writers)... frankly, it don't work for me either.

That Koolaid must be pretty delicious for you to be drinking so much of it. Funny how "All phones" have and have had that issue forever but it took Steve Jobs to point it out, and only after his flagship phone was widely reported to have the problem. ROFL, seriously, can anyone be that dense?

"but if this is how you respond to people's comments in real life, your friends are far more tolerant people than I am."

You know, until i started reading comments on this site, i never believed the statistics about 1 in 5 high school graduates being illiterate....

Try having someone with a high school diploma read it to you nimrod. It pretty clearly states that not ALL phones have antenna problems (which was your idiotic assertion) and that among those that do, few if any had the ridiculously bad problems that the iPhone 4 had. Clearly you are both DENSE and illiterate.

Personal opinion bucket. Anything that small is better served by a smartphone imo. There's a very small market of people who would purchase a product this small knowing that there are 4" and 4.5" smartphones running the same OS.

I'm reading it perfectly fine... you are making blatantly false claims that all phones have antenna problems just because you are a fanboy and it's just plain wrong and tends to irritate some people. Not all phones have antenna problems, certainly not to the extent that the iPhone 4 had. If you continue to claim

Keep digging, you'll eventually be right just based upon the law of numbers... also called the shotgun effect (not sure which subdefinition that one is)!

All grown up and STILL fascinated by nipples!