
While I can agree the 5 inch tab is a dumb idea, the below line blows all your credibility Sam. Aside from the addition of widgets, the android homescreen is based almost exclusively off of the iPhone/iPad's, so unless you are also saying your iCrap is similarly unusable you've just outed yourself as another foaming


"Sure. You don't think there have already been hundreds of pepper spray cases that have worked their way through the system? "

Right, and that's why we have a legal system which allows law to evolve over time and be interpreted by the supreme court, because the intent of the law and its letter don't always sync up. People like yourself would use it like a hammer and see everything as a nail. This was grossly abusive and unnecessary. I'm NOT a

If it were used in a court case, then digital forensics would likely be able to determine the edited portion of the tape was fraudulent and you would be found guilty of perjury at the least, usually something more serious like fraud as well. Same concept applies to photoshopped images... yes they are digital, but

It's probably because the number of iTards runs so rampant that you couldn't hide a criticism of the iPhone deep enough under the Antarctic ice to keep the sheep from digging it up and trying one of the many lame fanboy excuses (see above for example!) to defend it. It's a phone, it's not perfect, give up trying to

And I was commenting on your comment genius. Your comment said "Don`t buy the damn thing, like Steve said. And don`t read about it either...and don`t comment on it....Simple, no? ", which is why i pointed out that i didn't come to this thread to read about iPhones, but instead to read about the outrageous pre-orders

Dense is the word that comes to mind after reading that post. "Don`t buy the damn thing, like Steve said. And don`t read about it either...and don`t comment on it....Simple, no?" This article wasn't about iPhones, it was about Kindle sales nimrod. And it was you, not I, who tried to ride in on your white iHorse and

Everyone's mileage varies. I don't mean any offence, but I tend to find that a users level of satisfaction with iTunes is inversely proportional to their proficiency with a computer (and as a result, their desire for control over their own media). iTunes is great if you want to use it exactly as Job's and his

I was pretty sure that was a selling point of Android, that you weren't forced to use that horrific program... I'm no fanboy... both phone OS's have their advantages, but good lord iTunes is NOT one of iPhone's strong points, it's more like an albatross around the necks of proficient users everywhere. I'd sooner

Engineers have struggled with shielding and grounding problems for eons, but no not all phones have the ridiculous grounding/shielding issues of the early iPhone 4 antenna's. What you are saying is like saying all cars have emissions so driving a Hummer is no worse on the environment than driving a Prius. It's a silly

Oh no, i think i hit a nerve...

ROFL... All phones have that problem... how's the weather in iReality right now?

The problem is twofold. First, if i wanted the stupid ask toolbar I would download an installer for the ask toolbar. The two peices of software are completely unrelated, so there is no valid reason for bundling them in the first place.

Bingo, if you aren't pulling it from one of the official mirrors you are likely getting an installer that some jerk wrapped with his crapware (in this case it looks to be ask toolbar).

Just to be sure I was being a good Samaritan and not spreading false gospel I uninstalled and reinstalled from the latest installer. No adware :-)

You lost me at "adware". I use IMGBurn exclusively because it's free, powerful, and NOT adware. It's been a while since I've re-installed it, but the last time i did, there was no crapware bundled nor are there any ads in my version, which is up to date.

Yeah, it's the one and only thing I think Apple products have going for them, their slick interface. It's nice to see that kind of slick looking UI done on Android. Though frankly, it could be ugly as sin, and I'd still love DTG GTD, it's just a really well designed app.

To me, the most important thing about a to do list is that it's available at all times for additions/renditions. A to do list is no good if I can't add things to it as I think of them. To that end, i use DTG GTD on my phone with the Toodledo sync plugin (free account @ toodledo). No matter where I am at, I can add

If that was your point, then yes it makes sense, but that's not really how your first post read to me. Particularly the below, which reads more along the lines of "you should always cut into pieces" than "cutting into pieces is another option". Anyway, enough of this talk of sous-vide... makes me want an expensive