
As has been discussed several times in the comments already, the entire advantage of sous-vide is that you can prepare as far in advance as you want and just leave it at that temp in the water bath. Prep time becomes an almost non-consideration when you could start the turkey literally a couple DAYS in advance and

Eventually the heat will conduct through the turkey meat from outside to in, even if the cavity itself were to be airtight and prevent the water from getting in (unlikely). That's the beauty of sous-vide, is that since the temp is carefully controlled, you can leave the turkey in long enough for that to happen without

There used to be a chain called Gamecrazy. It's gone now, as it was unfortunately owned by the sinking behemoth that was Hollywood Video/Movie Gallery. I used to laugh at all the gamestoppers because the Gamecrazy gave minimum 5-10$ more on almost all games and their used games were similarly 5-10$ cheaper. I would

Nope, not necessarily true. It means they aren't taking a cut off the top of the rates they are loaning it out at to pay shareholders/high paid executives. As a result, it means they generally have lower overhead and less pressure to take risk and as a result can make more solid investment decisions and pass that on

Agreed. It's why I'm willing to drop $125 a pair on Sandro Moscoloni's two or three times a year. They hold up like crap and are pricey, but they are hands down the single most comfortable shoe ever to exist. Period. And what other item in your life do you use more often...

Yeah, found that out shortly after posting. I'm surprised by this but more-so surprised that I didn't get some kind of notice before using Voice Commands that my recordings were being shipped off to a server. Usually Google is pretty good about making sure you know they are taking your data.

If you haven't heard anyone talk about the Apple premium for years, it's because you haven't been listening. Apple products continue to be priced 20-50% above equivalent hardware/services. In particular to this article, beyond the 5GB of iCloud storage you get with your purchase of an overpriced apple product, you can

Uh oh, i think i made someone feel inadequate... calm yourself, it was a joke. To each his own and all that good jazz, my point was merely that pretty much anything modern smartphones do, is hijacked form earlier software so to give such credit to Apple is undue fanboyism, which with Apple in particular runs rampant

I think you misunderstood me. My point wasn't that there was no one for whom the multiplayer wasn't the draw, i was merely pointing out that as with any company, Epic should aim to please the largest subset of your base that you can. In the case of GOW online, that is competitive MP by far, which is why the decision

This idea cracks me up... name one feature of the original iPhone that was itself original. Hell, even the most primary driver of it's success, the app store, had been done dozens of times before, even on phones (winmo had an app store long before apple did). Apple happened to do several things well all at once in the

For online gamers. The online modes all show a count of the number of people on the servers. Add up the competitive MP and compare it and you will see that the vast majority of online gaming is taking place in competitive rather than hoard or co-op. Likewise, the DLC is usually mostly to support the competitive MP

I can understand that sentiment. At the same time, I don't feel like $15/year is all that bad a deal, especially since the app is free.

I went for the premium account mostly because I wanted to support the devs but also to get some of the reminder features... not everything syncs, but most does (all the features that I require at least).

I'm not sure I understand your point... is it that Apple customers are easily placated idiots with short attention spans? ;-)

Am i the only one incredibly irritated by the decision to keep the DLC maps out of the MP rotation for months after making them available? Being as the primary draw to gears is MP deathmatch, I just can't understand what the logic at Epic is in holding these maps back... other than to irritate, which it seems Epic

While I can see your point about multi-tasking being nothing new in general redhawk, when people first started asking for multitasking Apple said they wouldn't do it, that it would harm battery life too much and people "didn't need it". It wasn't until Android started to pick up momentum and another multi-tasking


I try to avoid commenting on these types of threads since Gizmo is such a clear Apple schill anyway and all the fanboi's go rabid when you point it out... but this line cracked me up so much I couldn't help myself.

That's true, Google is mining all their services for data, but you're kidding yourself if you think for one instant that Apple isn't doing the same. In fact, I probably don't need to remind you that until recently the iPhone reported all of your GPS information back to Apple without your permission. So actually you

You should really check out DGT GTD. It's free and will sync with a free Toodledo account as well. I tried several of the paid options and found this combo beats them all for free.