
I expected as much from Cliffy B... "OMG, LOLZ, we nEEDz more GFX!!!!111oneoneeleven!!! and LOLCATZ"

Those benchmarks have about as much to do with OS efficiency as your post does to this article: 0. Those benchmarks showcase the advanced nature of the GPU in the A5 chip. I thought I smelled Fanboi, it has a distinct STALE smell.

In case you were unaware Duffasaurus, those are "the lost years", the years that Apple fanbois are unable to remember, like some terrible episode of the twilight zone. Nowadays, everyone is too busy kissing apple's butt to remember that were it not for iPod's success, Apple wouldn't exist today. They were literally

Unless I've misread the article, that's per platter, bringing total capacity of a multiple platter drive in line with what the OP has.

Apology accepted

I'm hoping there is an opt out. While I am huge fan of security, too much is as bad as too little. There is no reason why I should need the overhead of SSL encryption when I"m looking up lolkatz or lasagna recipes. To default to SSL is overkill in my opinion, unless you are the kind of person who regularly searches

Any bets on how long it takes lifehacker to write an article on how to undo this, so you can save yourselves once you realize how limited, expensive, and immature the iCloud is compared to the free awesomeness that is Google?

Then you can demo "Siri" using the same voice recognition that Android has had forever and amaze them with your awesomeness!

And yet I never lectured you on your grammar in the first place, so your "justification" is moot... I lectured you on your lack of reading comprehension skills, a problem which is still cropping up with regularity I see. You should slow down and sound it out, that might help you understand the context of what is

You got me good bud, I missed the shift key on that E... Only a simpleton with nothing left to say but not enough brains to know it degrades to pointing out typos in a comments post. Let's just say I accept your apology and move on :)

Tethering plans are double charging you for data, plain and simple. Imagine if the electric company could charge you more for the right to hook up a television or to use your electricity on certain types of lightbulbs. What if the water company could charge you more for water to fill your pool than for drinking water.

Good find. That has always been a serious annoyance of windows.

Or perhaps you fail to understand basic english. At no point did I ask a question requiring an answer. I pointed out a mental thought (completely rhetorical) and then answered to it myself. It's called reading kiddo, left to right, top to bottom. String words together to form sentences, sentences together to form

You've nailed it. People today not only want the freedom to make idiotic decisions but they want to also restrict your freedom to point it out later. Sorry kids, you are absolutely free to do what you want, and I'm absolutely free to laugh at your silly choices and point them out.

Bingo... I'm not a fan of widgets myself, think they offer very little and generally consume more resources than they are worth, but I felt like sidebar was just as good as anything when it came to this. Unless you want something ridiculously customizable like rainmeter, what's the draw?

I'll take that as a compliment... Sharks are totally fierce, top of the food chain, and downright cool... yep, that's me ;-)

I never claimed to be "the world's most likable man", but you can be guaranteed that I always shoot straight with you and won't pull any punches. I call it like I see it and that tends to rub those with more fragile psyches the wrong way. Oh well, no skin off my back.

No, just when people make such ridiculously obvious comments as to be annoying.

You think so? No sh*t... Thanks for the heads up there Captain Obvious. Good lord.

rofl... I've known about these for a long time and oft wondered "Why in the hell would anyone want to look like they are running on a CRT?"