nah i can see mental health as a factor, not in motivating the choice of victim, that was because he’s a racist shitbag, but in making him disinhibited enough to and removing his restraining impulses.
nah i can see mental health as a factor, not in motivating the choice of victim, that was because he’s a racist shitbag, but in making him disinhibited enough to and removing his restraining impulses.
or about $2000 in tax for a fully functional universal healthcare system
even being charitable regarding the sentence handed down to the black woman, no amount of mental gymnastics leads to understanding why the white woman didnt get a custodial sentence, she stole more over a longer period and with less mitigation, white collar crime especially by white folks isnt punished nearly as…
dunno, Zombies deserve shooting, racist zombie deserves shooting even more, same way nazi zombies deserve shooting even more so than generic ones.
She was also accused of lifting a riff straight from a elvis costello track, His response was somewhat more relaxed than Loves
‘steps’ may well be because she had a pedometer app on the phone, and given a concrete number the human mind tends to latch onto facts when asked to make statements about uncertain matters.
Defense lawyers are in a bit of a awkward position, they are ethically obliged to do all that is legally within their power to defend their client, technically they would be deficent in their duty if they werent pulling this kind of bullshit to get their client off of the charges.
there is a difference between a ‘back off’ nip and serious aggression in dogs and the two are not strictly related, a nip such as they describe the dog having given is essentially the same as they would give a unruly puppy, its not intended to even break the skin - humans are more fragile in that regard- Nipping is…
‘Never having to work again’ is a desired end goal, to have achieved enough finiancial security to retire and live comfortably early. But there is little real respect for anyone who hasnt worked to earn their position, enough politeness and deference to take their money without causing too much offence perhaps but at…
or basically anywhere outside of an oxbridge uni or a public (private for americans) school
stones vs beatles is won by the kinks
and havent they done a wonderful job.
that one was definitely bullshit, the RN was running anti slavery patrols from abot 1805 onwards, mostly the slavers surrendered, sometimes they tried to fight
being a dickhead sadly isnt in itself illegal, no grounds to bar entry, and believe me we looked
not exactly, however there is a code of conduct, a fairly reasonable one and Morgan didnt so much cross the line of its ‘harm and offense’ section as merrily skip over the line. Any formal investigation is going to find against him.
Norton is ok, not publically a asshole, wee bit irritating at times, but thats subjective
well no, but nor are they all ravening sociopathic monsters, some are assholes, some are not, unfortunately its always going to be the assholes who make the news
I can only assume that his career as a bottom feeding piece of shit journalist lead to his picking up some major dirt on senior establishment figures as otherwise the bastard should have been in prison at least twice
sounds like she was hired because her features were a very good match for the individual she was meant to be a younger version of.