
yeah he’d be legal to drink in the UK, but he doesnt look 18 and would have to show his ID every single time.

the favourite of mine, or at least the one i was happiest to see go would be the customer services guy who got fired for gross misconduct and was stupid enough to try and take it to a industrial tribunaral afterwards, for context I work in a small/medium sized second hand book shop in the english westcountry, and over

not quite sure what you are trying to say here.

first time i have seen 6mwe as a thing, but from context i would guess it stands for ‘6 million wasnt enough’ less of a holocaust denier and more of a holocaust enthusiast it would seem.

and the traing begins by teaching them that policing by consent works for policing, the tarkin doctrine on the other hand is best reserved for star wars

they thought they would win, they didnt plan on facing consequences

with the advantage that cadburys chocolate is generally nicer than nestles

I would be surprised, but only because it would imply that Prince gave a shit about his expendable goons

of course they have about equal effectiveness but only one can be followed by delicious goat curry

jeebus forgiveness gets you out of hell, it doesnt work for jail, or so the bible says

Sad to hear he passed.

OBE and MBE arent knighthoods, they are the equivelent of a pat on the back and ‘good work’ normally for either charity/public works or achievement in a field worthy of official praise but not knighthood or a peerage.

not exactly, you need a policy per car, with one driver listed as primary driver, conventionally this would be whoever will use that car most often and the cars keeper on its offical paperwork, but it might be whoever has the best no claims/lowest premium, you can then name multiple other drivers on the same policy

yes the SNPs policy of vote buying is proving popular, although the fact that it would be unaffordable post independence is a bit of a sticky issue.

He lost a UK libel case, the way UK libel law is written is heavily biased against the defendent so for him to lose the judge pretty much has to state out right in legal terms that the evidence is clear that he did in fact beat his wife and is in fact a wife beater.

probably elizabeth warren, although warren buffet has at least stated that he thinks the rich should pay more tax, so is relatively ok for a billionaire

i will probably regret engaging with the crazy but name one district where this actually happened, just one.

she has no mercy and its great, its like paxman with a headache

she has no mercy and its great, its like paxman with a headache

venezuela would be problematic right now, they dont care for america much and trump personally far less