
I know they are going to have to make some changes for length, possibly cutout whole side plots but none of the changes thus far have been particularly good.

SO what you’re saying is its continuing to shit on its source material from a great height?

thats where the line is for me, if the boy had fired and killed him immediately that fucked up but its self defense, pursuit of someone not currently a threat and shooting them in the back, thats murder. Given the circumstances and the boys age i would be inclined if prosecuting to charge as low as i could on the

honestly its not that bad, little bit of advertising for DLC of whatever game you are launching, some news/dev diaries and mod/playset management. 

The site does have a broader coverage than just ‘games’ though, it includes commentary around other aspects of gamer culture and more generally nerd culture.

Creme eggs are incredibly sweet and cloying, the real MVP of the easter chocolate is cadburys mini eggs

honestly there really wasnt ‘colonialism’ as such in Andromeda, they didnt come armed to take places over indeed they didnt believe there was sentient life there to displace, they did adopt a policy of coexisting and respecting preexisting anagaran claims. The Kett were arguably colonialist in the imperial sense, hell

and the US ecnomy would have serious issues without them.

Yeah this story is utterly fucking inhuman, might be a perspective thing I am british and for damn sure the NHS wouldnt be trying to deport a undocumented person, they might let the border force know, but even then deportation is a slow process with appeals etc and assuming the patient had housing available detention w

to be fair to her she is right about scottish independence being a bad idea.

there are a few but all are in other hands, st micheals mount for example, there are the seaforts in the channel but again they are in private hands and surprisingly expensive.

sailing as in using sails as a primary means of propulsion 

true, but in this particular instance objectively reducing carbon emissions is the right thing and vehicle emissions can be most readily reduced by reducing usage and the emissions produced per passenger mile

yeah, the law in the uk is driver is at fault regardless of if another driver signalled its ok, if you are behind the wheel final responsibility for checking its clear lies with you. that said flashing someone that they can merge infront of you is still common, moreso perhaps because it doesnt carry responsibility to

without criminal charges I’m pretty sure they cant, Dukedoms and Earldoms arent like the lesser peerages, they dont have any political power unlike a life peerage but because they are granted directly from the crown they are also very hard to revoke, Charles could and faced with criminal case probably would but

honestly urban walkability and public transit should never have been off the priority list in the first place, and smaller cars while not as much of a priority are also a damn good idea, as for mandating through legislation increasing tax on vehicles above a certain emissions threshhold and lowering tax on zero

its called remand, and is to prevent him fleeing as he has publicly boasted he can do.

I have to disagree, there is a difference between ‘stupid and risky investment decisions’ which arguably covers any crypto investment and getting ripped off by actual fraud.

he is a youtuber, a youtuber whose channel is dedicated to investigating Crypto and other scams, he is often ahead of the curve in warning of issues with various coins/schemes, does well researched and indepth interviews and investigations, always offering those involved the chance to respond.

not a insignificant risk in Japan then...