
Body shaming is NEVER ok.  

Ah, body shaming I see. But I guess that’s ok if it’s a male.

Do better Jezebel! 

I literally have no idea who this woman is and this is the first time I’ve seen her name....so.....

34 panels in this slide show?  Ummmm...no. 

No 300?   C’mon man. 

We are one film away from a massive Hulk fart-joke. One film away.

Oh so funny!  

Aw yes, those late model C3s were just plain ugly. Why I can barely stand to look at it.

Really?  I have *NEVER* heard that before.   Next they’re going to tell me that unfunny comedian Ken Jeong is some kind of medical doctor or something! 

As a half-Italian, if they do that cheesy Italian accent I will immediately become offended and make sure that everybody online knows it.

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Just like there was no way to make KOTOR on PS2.  Screw them. 

1953 to 2023 is 70 years? 

Come on..... We’re approaching 70 years now.

Seriously biased would be my guess.

No-talent assclown for sure. 

Typical Jalop...but..but...but.... 

That’s kinda my point. 

Frequency dependent selection.   If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo, pretty soon it will be “cool” and “edgy” to NOT have one.  That’s my theory at least. 

I was wondering the exact same thing.  Meh.