Dangit. Are Kylie Jenner photos the new “The Dress”?
Dangit. Are Kylie Jenner photos the new “The Dress”?
And if you read the actual text of the post, you have no reason to get too upset.
Wait, so let me get this right:
I'm gonna post a happy.
PS: No amount is too much. I generally have a $5 minimum tip no matter what my actual bill is at a sit down restaurant because even if I'm just getting some hash browns and coffee you still put in the same amount of work as if I had ordered the a Grand Slam. (Obviously most of my "sit down restaurants" are Denny's…
I love how she's mad at her 5th grade education. If she didn't have to tip, there would never be another instance in her whole life where a percentage needed to be calculated.
Also interesting to note she asks "what is too much?" before"what is too little?" This bitch has never been in any danger of tipping "too much", she's just spitefully, absurdly suggesting that this is a common problem.
Adding, about my father: I think he also always wanted to double-check himself. Later, as an adult dining with him, I found that he had a real horror at the spectre of perhaps accidentally undertipping. He always added more to what his tip calculator told him.
Also, can we talk about the hypocrisy in this article? Bartlett wants owners to "improve the livelihood of those in the service industry." Well, by not tipping, Bartlett is supporting the owner's businesses (by eating the food) while simultaneously screwing over the workers (by not leaving a tip). Also. To hold China…
I Googled "underboob selfies."
My husband said I'm so mean for doing this, but I can't help it, everyone seemed to enjoy it so much last week. Bad Writer Facebook Friend posted this on Facebook:
Hot take: Yolanda is the best Real Housewife ever.
also: DO THEY NOT WATCH TELEVISION? It's always a cop! Always! Teens don't want to have sex with you! They're too busy having sex with other teens. Geesh.
So I'm lying? I've lived here for two years and I'm making ALL of it up? OKAY. Dude, you can find a non-shithole English Basement for $1100-$1300 in decent neighborhood in DC, period. The end.
I thought she meant ethnic as in Armenian
Everyone is being pretty polite here and while I understand you feel attacked, I need you to understand something. It will help in every interaction you have in the future on kinja:
Ah, it was a good show. Dog inserts itself into classic literature. For example, Wishbone would play Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet." If they gave out acting awards for dogs, Wishbone would have won them all.