Presenting: the chief argument for boxers.
Presenting: the chief argument for boxers.
Ever wonder if the Simpsons are the ones actually making their predictions come true? Like, maybe the Stonecutters really are real, and they’re pulling all the world’s strings?
If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...
It’s a 2018 update of Escape (The Pina Colada Song).
Looking at the thumnail, I first thought this was a dating site for Limp Bizkit fans.
That dude in the header image has definitely gotten into multiple fights at slow-pitch softball tournaments.
I can’t even tell any more, man.
Prediction: at least two progressives trying to troll lonely Cult 45 members will accidentally catfish each other and find a legitimate connection on this site when they figure it out
Dont forget the twitter thumb workout
Literally the point of the film.
Yes, and the concept is fleshed out more in the movie. It’s what drives the entire story, really.
“Did the Wakandan monarchy at the time have some kind of “Wakanda-first” policy?”
Their review of Get Out was simply, “This proves liberals are the REAL racists!”
Chewing through a well done steak sounds like ardous exercise
So the alt-right boycotts were about as successful as their Star Wars attempts? I hope they aren’t tired of winning so much.
Those sources were busy telling people it was too dangerous to go anywhere near a movie theater to see any movie this weekend.
‘Black Panther’ Review: The Movie’s Hero is Trump, the Villain is Black Lives Matter
Gang, how great is it that Samson’s bare-faced attempt at counterprogramming a political black action movie imploded so gigantically? I actually expected it to waltz into the top 3 off the back of some Breitbart or Fox News campaign for supporting “more traditional stories.”
This would be a very different article if titled: