You missed more scenes where Ryan Gosling walks around.
You missed more scenes where Ryan Gosling walks around.
Or you could lay off the sauce for once you relentless booze hound.
You sound like me when a friend made me go to see that movie “Bladerunner 2049"... I fell asleep during the last roughly 20 minutes and haven’t had any urge to see it again to find out what I missed.
Unfortunately for us one full episode will be devoted to Billy doing bicep curls while smoking and listening to Ratt’s “Out of the Cellar”.
I can’t imagine somebody more skilled and talented losing to a Russian-backed competitor here in America!
Trump is more a stupider version of L. Ron Hubbard.
Jesus Christ. I think reading those comments caused more damage to my brain than if I had actually played in the NFL for 15 years.
why? why would you make me read all of that unbelievably stupid argument?
“There were very fine people on both sides of that coaching search.”
Haha. Total pwnage by the Pats over the Colts again. Pats get their revenge on the Colts for DeflateGate. The Colts now have to settle for the offensive coordinator that won the Super Bowl instead of the one that lost the Super Bowl.
In a parallel McDaniels-style move, Reich’s agent dropped him for signing with the Colts
Email and texting works for me. I have a Facebook page so none of my weiner kids could make a fake one. Got it over 5 years ago and never checked it.
I’m betting that Xanderpuss is really one of the Winklevoss twins.
You’re just jealous because you invented Friendster.
“We need a head of counterintelligence, someone ruthless, who will do whatever it takes, even murder, to preserve the status quo”
Get your shit together NBC! We cant have America turn into something of an international embarrassment or whatever.
Ramo apologized, admitting that his expertise is mostly in Chinese, Japanese and Dirtynese history.
I saw a cute girl wearing a Batman logo shirt yesterday. Maybe it was hipster irony.
And all my mom’s aunts and uncles said, “Why are you wearing teeth?”