
“6 out of 7 Glovers recommend Black Panther for all your panthering needs.”

Can we hold off on a final judgment until Corey, Danny, and Crispin offer their thoughts?

I love how using “this guy has accepted Jesus as his personal savior” is thought to be a reasonable defense, but “this guy is encouraged by his invisible friend who lives in a trash can in the backyard” isn’t. They’re both pretty much the same thing, just one you can go to church with other people who have the same

At least Billy is consistent:


I know who that is!

Yeah, the hype behind a lot of these youtube videos as “incredible” and “epic” is pushing the boundary on the meaning for those words.

If kids really want to hang out at an IKEA and eat laundry detergent, I am really starting to wonder if Donald Trump is rock bottom. Maybe President Pewdiepie or that twerp filming suicides?

Boring? Not if you’re high and with a couple of buddies looking for the dirtiest sounding IKEA product names. Not that I’ve done that, mind you.

Okay, but Henry V who? Superman? Predator? Don’t leave us hanging.

This is why I don’t allow you to dine alone with other men, mother...

Lindsey Graham, is that you?

I’m here to win medals and get laid, and it looks like they’re all out of medals.

He called upon some kind of science.

At what point do we consider the well being of the emotional support animal in this scenario? If someone cannot properly care for or protect their pet they have no business having a pet, therapeutic benefits or not. There are options such as medication and therapy to treat mental illness.

This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.

No bones about it.

Is there a quota to get diverse athletes onto the team? Or are diverse athletes just making the team?

I bet The Slippery Slope would make a pretty good name for a winter game themed gay bar.

Thus, the roommates first, of what would end up being thousands, eye roll occurred...