
counterpoint: Give him some more Mountain Dew Code Red.

yep, my bad

Even sexier.


I hate that this thing is a movie.

Avi Arad is the Jai Courtney of film producers

But it’s Venom, not The Thing.

More than your barber?

So I think Twitter’s actually become… I mean, my honest opinion, I think Twitter is a detriment to society. I do.

It’s just one of those little reminders of how exhausting it must be to have some person constantly over your shoulder, following you for each and every one of these things, parsing every word that comes out of you and the interviewer, coiled, ready to jump in with a corrective if anything should stray from the

Seems pretty shitty of you guys asking him to comment on someone elses allegations. Very tabloid like

I dunno, I thought his rambling reaction was quite human.

Haha yeah, why on earth would an actor want to talk about the movie he’s there to discuss when instead he can be probed about the same old shit to make sure he conforms perfectly to the current mindset! Disappointed they didn’t ask him about his opinions on trans people to be honest..

Nice mid way bait attempt their AVC, don’t forget to let everyone know just how morally superior you are. You go girl.

Thomas Middleditch starring in the new AV Club Interview Series: “Is *This* Your Landmine?”

I read my post to my cuck husband, and he reminded me that we’re also going to teach our daughter that she’s better than all men. I told him to get back in the fucking kitchen and stop telling me what to do.

I’ve had the flu, so I’ve been super behind on crafting my vagenda this week, but depending on the weather, I was thinking of going out with my legs unshaven in order to get attention and gross out men who “don’t want to see that shit.” Then I thought maybe my vagenda should include a false rape accusation or two,

So, they basically copied the Dixie Chicks from . . . how many years ago? 15? And did it in a way that is basically meaningless to their target audience. Groundbreaking stuff SI.

That’s like saying it’ll become difficult to fill a cart with groceries before it becomes difficult to fill the Pacific basin with seawater.

They’re not wrestling fans, they don’t know about the People’s Elbow.