
Crimson and Cloverfield: Over and Overfield.



Clearly McDaniels just loves fucking over horse-based franchises.

I figured out what’s wrong. Trump Executive Order.

I think it’s weird he’s ashamed of something natural and out of his control - like being bald - but not ashamed of any of the actually horrible shit he says and does.

Are you suggesting that there aren’t enough pro boxers working today to equate to 32 53-man rosters?

I’d rather be disliked than incapable of making any kind of coherent point, which is the position you find yourself in. I’m going to make an even stronger assertion than I have so far - I will say that if you took the population of professional boxers as they exist right now, and assembled those specific individuals

I’m looking forward to the story about Johnson suing a tabloid for libel and losing: “PAPER BEATS ROCK”

‘Area Man Overreacts to Internet Comment’

Can anyone else not see how many recs a comment gets, or is it just me?

‘Puss is from Texas. He knows whereof he speaks.


But he is vulnerable to paper.

I think it’s absolutely precious that he called this an “original concept film”.

Is there anything about this guy that isn’t repulsive, embarassing, or ridiculous?

Not to mention the fact that a lot of players come from poor backgrounds or bad neighborhoods where their only chance to get out is through sports. Sure a lot of famous athletes and celebrities say their kids won’t play football, but there are tons of people who are willing to accept the risk and play.

Well, in fairness to Xanderpuss, I think it is generally the parents of entitled, overly-sheltered children who ignore the cognitive dissonance inherent in banning your kid from playing a sport that you played through high school with no ill effects. Just as these parents tend to believe without evidence that their

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Nah. Football will never be doomed. There may be less talented players because of the decreased participation, but it will always pull in big dollars, and therefore pay big dollars, and therefore have many players to fill its ranks and many more fans to watch. Football may decline, but it will never ever come anywhere