
There really should be a six point star option here.

This dip to chip ratio on this thing is atrocious.

Now playing

My most hated commercial from my Houston was for Spec’s liquor stores. The woman in the spots has the deadest eyes.

On the bright side, he has now implicated himself AND compromised his congressional immunity by conspiring with another branch of government (executive) to release this memo.

Friday release may indicate low expectations. Friday is when you dump bad news/unhelpful economic numbers, because all the serious journos have already filed their last column inches & sloped off the the bar, and a large % of the audience is gassing up their bass boats/snow machines & won’t be gaping slackjawed at

This is a war of the stupid against the smart. Two important notes:

Yup. Just read it in full, lots of nothing. Just the same weak talking points they have been using all along.

“Wet fart” was exactly my first reaction. They are so fucked.

Because half their slimy asses are complicit in it.

It names sources that any self-respecting journalist or law enforcement official would use as a launching point but not as an actual source. Why are our taxpayer monies going toward these idiots who insult the intelligence of even an eighth grader trying to finish a term paper two hours before it’s due?

The republicans got their awful tax law and pleased their billionaire overlords, so I don’t get why they’re still carrying water for trump to the point where nothing else matters. It’s not surprising they’re putting party over country but to what end?

If you insist, jackass.

Oh man, after finally reading it it’s even dumber than we’d imagined. What a wet fart Nunes has produced here.

Yeah, that headline was all smoke......and mirrors.

“Always bet on Black...Panther.”

No dumbass, we’re making fun of him b/c of his character, which is on clear display by his actions, and then noting his poor choice in style.


Who looked like this....

Republicans and far-right-wingers of the internet alike clamoring to #ReleaseTheMemo have worked themselves into a lather over the secret document

Their argument has turned into: The FBI illegally spied on Carter Page committing treason.