
Oh come over here Mr. Scruffy!

She’s always got it coming, if you catch my drift

KEEP TOM OUT OF THIS! Nora is the one you should be throwing under the bus.

Suddenly I’m imagining Philly fans with catapults, flinging police horses and dogs at the Patriot’s bus as it leaves the hotel. That’ll finally shut the people up about booing Santa Claus.

So, do you advocate getting to know every member of the KKK before you judge them as racist?

It’s been a long time coming.

So K-9 units are trained to attack people who put their hands over their heads? That makes sense because the first thing police officers usually do is tell suspects to put their hands over their heads. Maybe our police force is more interested in arresting people than it is in protecting them from harm, especially

Cue Eagles fans bringing “service” dogs to the Super Bowl and throwing them at Brady.

The violence these victims faced is heartbreaking, their deaths are tragic. I don’t want to take away from that.

Sure. Why not waste my time? Great rhetorical point.

In this day and age, just identifying as a Republican is reason enough.

I’ve never seen her on tv or even heard her voice. To me, she’s ripe for ridicule just for the dye job. Hell, Overend Watts from Mott the Hoople used to spray paint his hair, and it looked more natural than this Tambla person’s.

It’s not the political team, it’s the fact that she’s on a propaganda network. Though really the team itself is bad enough at this point.

We can have empathy for rank and file people with conservative views without acting like powerful, highly-paid political and media figures deserve some special consideration of

Conversely, being on Fox News necessarily means you will say any reprehensible thing for a buck, so you, can, indeed, stop at “Fox News’ _______”

Fox Nooz is a hive of scum and villainy. She’s a shallow little shill for a propaganda network. That’s enough to loathe the little vapid twit right there.

Did you not see the “Fox News” part of that?

Fox “News” is a special kind of evil. Anyone who works there has to be willing to be a shiftless propagandist.

Perhaps you misread “Fox News’ Tammy Lahren.” That’s pretty much all the qualification you need; the rest of her horrid CV is just a bonus.

Up up down down alt-right alt-right B A start

It’s like Konami but more racist.